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India's Business Conclave 2019

Brainwonders, under the aegis of its Founder and CEO- Mr Manish Naidu made his mark again. The Image Planet's India's Business Conclave held at Holiday Inn (Mumbai) been known to celebrated the leaders heralding the growth of the Indian Economy. This time they honoured the contributions of various business professionals in the Indian sector. The event saw the likes of Pritam Kumar Agarwal & Fatema Agarkar at the multi-faceted, vibrantly scheduled event. It smartly fused the futre of Indian Economic Growth with the trends of today's Indian education via this conference- and was a very engaging series throughout the day, with several panel discussions, keynote sessions and award ceremony planned.



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Brainwonders 804 , 8th floor, Paras Business Center, Kasturba Carter Road No. 1, behind kasturba Police station, Borivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066


A personality test is a test used to evaluate a person's personality. As we all know, personality differs from one person to another. A personality test allows us to become acquainted with various personalities. You will be able to identify your personality after taking a personality test. Personality evaluation will not only help you define your personality, but it will also help you understand your qualities and features.

Personality tests are a great way to identify different aspects of who you are and discover certain aspects of yours that you are not even familiar with. Free Personality tests are available across various platforms, which will help you to figure out your personality traits.

The Brainwonders MBTI, commonly known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a personality test that is often used by businesses throughout the recruiting process. Several questions on the test are designed to evaluate where a candidate fits among four major groupings: extraversion as opposed to introversion, judgement as opposed to perceiving, intuition as opposed to sense, and thinking as opposed to feeling. The findings of these categories assign test-takers to one of 16 personality types based on their responses. A total of 180 questions are included in the exam, which makes it a lengthy process. This test assigns you to one of 16 personality types, and each of these kinds encompasses various aspects of your personality:

  • What gives you a burst of energy
  • What you do with the information you get
  • What you do while making choices
  • How you arrange your world is important.

Each of the 16 personality types is represented by four letters, one representing each of the categories listed above. You may, for example, be classified as an ESFJ or an INTP. These letters stand for the following:

  • Extroversion or introversion are two different types of personality.
  • Sensing or intuition are two different things.
  • What are you thinking or feeling?
  • Observing, judging, or seeing

Based on the results of this test, there is a wealth of supplementary information available to show you how these characteristics manifest themselves in your personal life, professional life, and even in comparison to other personality types.

The "big five" are broad personality attribute types. Although a substantial body of data supports this five-factor model of personality, researchers may not always agree on the exact names for each dimension. Typically, these five categories are characterised as follows:

This trait pictures your imagination and insight. Individuals that score high on this attribute have diverse areas of interest. They are interested in learning and adapting to new things and having new experiences. Individuals with a high level of this attribute are more daring and inventive. Individuals that score low on this feature tend to be more traditional and may struggle with critical and abstract thinking.

  • Openness
  • High
  • Low
  • Very creative in nature
  • Happy to think about abstract concepts
  • Ready to tackle new challenges
  • Open to trying new things
  • Adaptive in nature
  • Dislike change
  • Dislike theoretical, or abstract reasoning concepts
  • Avoid new ideas
  • Does not enjoy things
  • Not very innovative

Standard features of this personality trait include high levels of thoughtfulness, perception, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviours. Highly conscientious people are structured and detail-oriented. These individuals plan ahead of time, consider how their actions play a prominent role in others and keep deadlines in mind.

  • Conscientiousness
  • High
  • Low
  • Spend most of the time for preparing
  • Strong observation skill
  • Pays attention to detail
  • Finishes important task right away
  • Enjoys having a set schedule
  • Dislikes structure and schedules
  • Creates messes and disregards responsibilities
  • Important activities are avoided
  • Does not accomplish required or assigned tasks

Extraversion is characterised by excitability, openness, talkativeness, aggressiveness, and a high level of emotional expressiveness (or extroversion). Extraverted people are gregarious and tend to gain energy when they engage in social situations. They feel more energised and excited when they are around other people. Low extraversion (or introversion) individuals are more reserved and have less energy to expend in social circumstances. Social gatherings may be tiring, and introverts frequently seek a period of aloneness and silence to "recharge."

  • Extraversion
  • High
  • Low
  • Enjoy being the centre of attention
  • Likes to start conversation
  • Say things before thinking about them
  • Find it easy to make new friends
  • Has a wide social circle of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances
  • Enjoy to meet and like to talk with new people
  • Prefer solitude
  • Dislikes being the centre of attention
  • Carefully think before speaking
  • Dislike making small talks
  • Finds it difficult to start the conversation

Trust, benevolence, openness, friendliness, affection, and other prosocial actions are included in this personality trait. People with high agreeableness tend to be more voluble and cooperative, whereas those with low agreeableness tend to be more competitive and sometimes even manipulative in nature.

  • Agreeableness
  • High
  • Low
  • Has a strong interest in other people.
  • Concerned about others
  • Feels sympathy and compassion for others
  • Enjoys assisting and contributing to the pleasure of others
  • Assists people who are in need.
  • Shows little concern for others
  • Doesn't care about how other people feel.
  • Has little concern about other people's difficulties.
  • Insults and demeans people
  • Manipulates people in order to obtain what they want

Sadness, moodiness, and emotional instability are the main features of neuroticism. Persons with high levels of this attribute mostly have mood swings, anxiety, impatience, and sorrow. Those with low scores of neuroticism are more stable as well as emotionally resilient.

  • Neuroticism
  • High
  • Low
  • Has a high level of stress.
  • Concerns about a variety of issues
  • Gets easily upset Has big mood swings Feels anxious
  • Struggles to recover from unpleasant events
  • Emotionally sound
  • Deals well with stress and is rarely unhappy or melancholy.
  • Is quite easygoing and does not worry much.

16 personality tests identify the five personality aspects: mind, energy, nature, tactics, and identity. The test helps you understand how your personality type affects many aspects of your life, including your relationships. Mentioned below are the 16 personality types:

  • ISTJ - The Inspector: Reserved and sensible, they are loyal, orderly, and conventional.
  • ISTP - The Crafter: They are highly independent and appreciate new activities that provide hands-on learning.
  • ISFJ - The Protector: Loving and dedicated, they are always ready to defend those they care about.
  • ISFP - The Artist: Relaxed and adaptable; they are reserved and artistic.
  • INFJ - The Advocate: Creative and analytical, they are one of the most uncommon Myers-Briggs types.
  • INFP - The Mediator: Idealistic with high values, they endeavour to improve the world.
  • INTJ - The Architect: Highly rational; they are creative as well as analytical.
  • INTP - The Thinker: Quiet and reflective, they have a deep inner world.
  • ESTP - The Persuader: They are outgoing and dramatic and enjoy spending time with others and concentrating on the present.
  • ESTJ - The Director: Assertive and rule-following, they have high principles and a strong desire to be in command.
  • ESFP - The Performer: They adore taking centre stage since they are outgoing and impulsive.
  • ESFJ - The Caregiver: Warm-hearted and outgoing, they prefer to think the best in others.
  • ENFP - The Champion: Charismatic and energetic, they thrive in settings that allow them to express their creativity.
  • ENFJ - The Giver: Loyal and sensitive, they are noted for their compassion and generosity.
  • ENTP - The Debater: Highly innovative; they enjoy being surrounded by ideas and tend to start many initiatives (but may struggle to finish them).
  • ENTJ - The Commander: They are outspoken and assertive and excel at planning and coordinating undertakings.

Personality tests in psychology measure personality traits to diagnose underlying psychological problems or scrutinize candidates for institutions or employment organizations. Personality tests can be conducted both online and offline, an online personality test is a safer and a convenient option though. Personality test in psychology is directed toward helping individuals understand themselves and the people around them. They are a helpful tool to let an individual know how personality traits correlate with reactions to day?to?day situations.