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APSC Exam 2024: Admit Card, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Pattern & Result

14 March,2024  |  By Brainwonders


The APSC has announced the date for the APSC CCE prelims examination. According to the notification, the preliminary exam is scheduled for March 18, 2024. Candidates can view the notification on the official website.

The APSC Exam 2024, administered by the Assam Public Service Commission, is responsible for overseeing the examination process. The registration for the APSC CCE exam commenced on January 17, 2024, and the deadline for submitting the application form is February 6, 2024. The application process is open for 235 vacancies in 2024. The APSC exam is structured in three stages: Preliminary, Main, and Interview. Successful progression through all three stages is mandatory for candidates to secure recruitment for their desired positions. Furthermore, the APSC CCE prelims exam 2024 is scheduled for March 18, 2024. The final examination schedule will be announced shortly on the official website.

According to the latest notification, the APSC CCE prelims have been rescheduled for March 18, 2024. The issuance of APSC admit cards for the CCE preliminary exam took place on February 27, 2024, through the official website. The registration process for APSC concluded on February 6, 2024. The APSC CCE recruitment for 2024 has openings for 235 vacancies.

Candidates are advised first to review their APSC eligibility criteria, which are accessible on the official website. Verifying eligibility before applying for the examination is essential, as different posts may have distinct eligibility requirements. After confirming eligibility, candidates can proceed with the application process. Upon successful registration, candidates will become eligible to receive their APSC admit cards.

Admit cards are crucial documents that candidates must carry to the examination hall. Furthermore, candidates are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the APSC syllabus, which can be found on the official website. It is important to note that the syllabi for prelims, mains, and interviews differ from one another.

APSC Exam 2024

The tentative schedule for the APSC CCE prelims is slated for March 18, 2024. An official notification confirming the dates is expected to be released soon. The registration portal for the exam will remain accessible until February 6, 2024, and it is open for 235 vacancies.

The commission has issued the official notification for the APSC CCE prelims exam 2023. According to the notification, the 2023 prelims exam is scheduled for March 18, 2024.

The previous year, the APSC CCE prelim exams took place on March 26, 2023, with the results published on April 12, 2023. Successful candidates from the prelims were qualified to proceed to the mains exam. The APSC recruitment drive offers numerous vacancies, including Labor Inspector, District Transport Officer, Tax Inspector, and Block Development Officer positions. This examination is held once annually and is conducted online.

Following the administration of the APSC exam, the conducting body releases the results in PDF format on the official website. Additionally, the APSC publishes a merit list based on candidates' performance in the mains and interview exams. Furthermore, the exam conducting authority also discloses the APSC cut-off marks on its official website.

APSC Exam Eligibility Criteria 2024

Before applying for the APSC examination, candidates must review the APSC eligibility criteria. This information can be found on the official APSC website. Various factors, such as age limit and educational qualifications, contribute to determining a candidate's eligibility. It is important to note that eligibility criteria may vary depending on the specific post. Candidates can refer to the following APSC eligibility criteria for further details.

Age Limit

The candidate's age must range from a minimum of 21 years to a maximum of 38 years as of January 1, 2024.

Age Limit Relaxation

SC/STP/STH candidates are eligible for up to 5 years of age relaxation. OBC/MOBC candidates can avail themselves of up to 3 years of age relaxation. Candidates with disabilities (PwD) are entitled to up to 10 years of age relaxation. Veterans can benefit from relaxation for up to 12 years of age.

Educational Qualification

Candidates must possess an authentic degree from a recognized college or university in India. It's important to note that degrees obtained through distance education will not be considered eligible. Additionally, candidates should be proficient in at least one language of the state of Assam besides English.

APSC Application Form 2024

The subsequent step for candidates intending to take the APSC exam is to complete the APSC application form. APSC provides the form, which can be obtained from the official APSC website. The APSC application form entails various details that candidates need to provide accurately. Candidates must avoid errors in their application form, as any mistake will be automatically reflected in their admit card.

APSC Admit Card 2024

The APSC admit APSC itself issues card, and candidates can retrieve their hall tickets by accessing the official APSC website. By entering their roll number and date of birth, candidates can download the hall tickets from the official website. APSC hall tickets are indispensable documents that candidates must possess when attending the exam. Withtes will only be permitted to enter the examination hall with the admit card.

Given the significance of hall tickets, they contain various essential details about the candidate, including their name, date of birth, category, gender, exam time, venue, and other pertinent information.

APSC Syllabus 2024

APSC itself provides the APSC syllabus, which is available on the official website. It is a crucial aspect of a candidate's preparation, considering the three stages of the APSC exams, each with its distinct prelims, mains, and interview syllabus.

Prospective APSC examinees should note that the prelims syllabus comprises two subjects, while the mains syllabus includes eight subjects. While there is no prescribed syllabus for the interview stage, candidates are encouraged to be well-versed in general knowledge and current affairs.

APSC Prelims Syllabus

General Studies 1
General Studies 2

APSC Mains Syllabus

Subject Sub-Topics 
Paper 1 Essay
Paper 2 to 6  General Studies
Paper 7 Optional Subject, Paper 1
Paper 8 Optional Subject, Paper 2
Qualifying Paper Paper A
Qualifying Paper Paper B

APSC Exam Pattern 2024

The APSC exam pattern is disclosed by APSC on its official website. Familiarity with the exam pattern is crucial for candidates as it provides insights into the exam duration and other essential details. It's noteworthy that the exam pattern varies across APSC prelims, mains, and interview stages. The total marks for the APSC prelim exam are set at 400 marks, while those for the mains and interview are 2275.

In addition to reviewing the APSC exam pattern, candidates should also acquaint themselves with the APSC marking scheme, which is also published on the APSC website. Detailed information regarding the APSC marking scheme can be found here.

APSC Prelims Marking Scheme 

Subjects Marks
General Studies 1 200 Marks
General Studies 2  200 Marks 
Total Marks:  400 Marks 

APSC Mains Marking Scheme 

Subject Sub-Topics Marks 
Paper 1 Essay 250
Papers 2 to 6  General Studies 250 for each paper
Paper 7 Optional Subject, Paper 1 250
Paper 8 Optional Subject, Paper 2 250
Qualifying Paper Paper A 300
Qualifying Paper Paper B 300

APSC Results 2024

Following the completion of the APSC exam, the exam conducting authority publishes the APSC results on the official website. For instance, the APSC CCE prelims results were disclosed on April 12, 2023. Candidates who qualify the prelims are then eligible to proceed to the mains exam. To check the APSC results, candidates can simply visit the official website, where no login credentials are required.

Given the three-phase structure of the APSC exam—prelims, mains, and interviews—the results for each phase are released separately. Before releasing the results, the APSC also publishes answer keys. There are two types of answer keys issued by the APSC: provisional answer keys, which allow candidates to raise objections, and final answer keys, which facilitate result calculation.

APSC Cut-Off 2024

Following result announcement, the APSC will unveil the APSC cut-off marks, which dictate whether candidates qualify for the subsequent stage of the examination. It's essential to recognize that the cut-off varies for each stage. Additionally, APSC issues a merit list, computed based on candidates' performance in the mains and interview stages.

APSC Cut-Off for Prelims Exam: 2024

Categories APSC cut-off
Open (Male Category ) 74.05
Open (Female Category ) 71.0
OBC/MOBC (Male Category ) 54.5
OBC/MOBC (Female Category ) 54.5
SC (Male Category ) 50.5
SC (Female Category) 50.5
STP (Male Category) 49.5
STP (Female Category) 49.5
STH ( Male Category) 38.5
STH (Female Category) 38.5
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Who conducts the APSC examination?

Ans: The APSC exam is administered by the APSC itself and is tailored for candidates seeking recruitment for state government positions under its jurisdiction.

Q2: When will the APSC CCE prelims exam be conducted in 2024?

Ans: Previously scheduled for March 17, 2024, the APSC CCE prelims exam has been rescheduled to March 18, 2024.

Q3: What is the maximum age limit for a candidate applying for the APSC exam?

Ans: The maximum age limit for candidates is capped at 38 years, with age relaxation provisions available for candidates from various categories.

Q4: Where can candidates find the APSC syllabus?

Ans: The APSC syllabus can be located on the official website.

Q5: When will the registration for the APSC CCE exam begin?

Ans: The APSC CCE application form for 2024 was accessible online via the official website,, starting from January 17, 2024.

Q6: How many vacancies are there in APSC CCE 2024 exam?

Ans: The APSC CCE 2024 examination provides 235 vacancies for applicants.

Q7: When is the last date to apply for APSC CCE 2024?

Ans: The registration deadline for APSC CCE 2024 is February 6, 2024.

Q8: When was APSC CCE Prelims exam 2022-23 conducted?

Ans: The APSC CCE Prelims exam for the year 2022-23 took place on March 26, 2023.

Q9: When were APSC CCE Prelims 2022 results released?

Ans: APSC CCE Prelims 2022 results were announced on April 12, 2023.

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