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Board Selection - Selecting Right Education Board

22 September,2024  |  By Brainwonders

Board Selection

Selecting the Right Education Board: 

School is known to be a child’s second home. We know that your child is your greatest treasure - we also need to ensure that you find an equally special place to nurture your child so they can realise their true potential.

Choosing the right education board can help nurture the child at a young age and play a pivotal role in career and personality development. 

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Here’s an overview of different boards: 

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE): 

The Central Board of Secondary Education is a national-level board of education managed by the Government of India for public and private schools controlled. More than 27,000 schools in India and 240 in foreign countries are affiliated with CBSE. CBSE board offers the following advantages:

  • The academic structure of CBSE is national and focuses on academic and co-curricular activities equally.
  • In the case of transfers, there is no educational loss as almost every school is affiliated with CBSE.
  • Exam questions are set to be easy to understand and release performance pressure.
  • CBSE board students learn from NCERT books, which gives them an advantage in competitive exams.
  • Students from classes 6th to 10th are evaluated on an all-around basis.

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ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education): 

The ICSE board aims to create successful learners who enjoy learning and encourage understanding and applying real-life experiences. ICSE is a private board designed to provide general education examinations following the new education policy.

The advantages of the ICSE board include the following points: 

  • The ICSE board urges the students to look beyond textbooks and get a hands-on learning experience for practical insights.
  • ICSE board focuses on quality over quantity, motivating students to identify diverse interests.
  • ICSE encourages an analytical mind and provides global content. 
  • ICSE certificate is equivalent to nationally - recognised boards.

Must read: Different Diploma Courses after class 10th.

State Board:

The Ministry of Education permits each state to design and develop its syllabus and conduct a standard examination. The State Board is responsible for maintaining uniform education standards in schools all over the state. It also prescribes textbooks to schools affiliated with them. There are many advantages of the state board, such as:

  • Personalised syllabus
  • Priority to regional languages
  • Flexible choice of medium.
  • Localised focus.

This blog can help you if you are looking for careers and jobs after class 10th.


How can we help you?

Selecting the right school is of paramount importance- and Brainwonders US Patented Genetic (DMIT) Test covers the following aspects to help you make the best suitable choice:

  • Personality Characteristics– how does the child think and behave, and how does the environment work with them
  • Learning Profile– how does the child prefer to acquire any knowledge/ skill? Know which senses the child relies on the most.
  • Board Selection– SSC/ICSE’CBSE/ IB/ IGCSE or other; which board brings out the best in your child

Find Out: What is a DMIT test, and What is the cost of having a DMIT Test in India?

  • Multidimensional Profile– the school must provide a platform for developing a child’s talents and strengths.
  • Areas to be developed- everyone is flawed, but that would not limit your child to expert recommendations early on.

Recommended Read: 

Board Selection FAQs:

1. Which board is best for students?

Ans: The CBSE board is the best education board for students. However, it only provides the basics of education required for higher education. So, one must compare all the boards according to their interests before deciding.

2. Which board is best for teaching?

Ans: CBSE is the best board for teaching, considering the number of schools present.

3. Which board is better between ICSE and CBSE?

Ans: Both the boards are better in their way. However, the ICSE board provides a more practical approach to learning, whereas CBSE is more theoretical.

Confused about which Course to choose after 10th?

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