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30 September,2020 | By Brainwonders
With the promising concept of which Brainwonders exhibits, where we now work in collaboration with the students, parents and teachers of Thakur International School, Kandivali (West). Brainwonders provided with the service of DMIT, IQ and aptitude test in this school.
Brainwonders provide educational assessments regarding the US patent DMIT and psychometric test like IQ test, Aptitude test, and an Interest test. With the help of orientation presented in the Thakur school, regarding the value of these test in a child’s career graph received a great response. The student of 6th and 8th grade along with the Principal, faculty and parents participated in these test. DMIT provides the information about a person's inborn capabilities through fingerprints which would help the person to understand his/her interest and align it with the skills, traits and further recommendations so that he/she could plan his/her future accordingly.
The principal of Thakur International School, Ms Shunila Joy Chauhan, also experienced the test and has been profoundly motivated to encourage the students to glorify their paths to success. Brainwonders is always happy to be rungs of the children career ladder.
With their amazing history of providing educational guidance to over 250+ schools and have been at the helm of transforming the series of career guidance to the schools affiliated with Cambridge International Examinations.
Brainwonders Offers Multiple Intelligence Test, Career Counselling, Psychometric Test, Online Aptitude Test, Online IQ Test, Psychometric Personality Test. For more details, you can email to: info@brainwonders.in
Website: www.brainwonders.in
Contact us: 022 4016 3399, 9987422220.
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