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Guidance to Choose Arts Vs Science

22 September,2023  |  By Brainwonders

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Students as well as parents are very  much concerned about educational choices. The days of uncertainty between the publication of results and securing new admission could be stressful. Choosing the right course among the wide array of choices is the most challenging and important task. Before opting out your career it is important that you are aware of every detail associated with it.

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The terms Arts and Humanities are used interchangeably. Humanities is the study concerned with humans, society and culture. The common myth about the humanities stream is that it is taken up by students who are not bright enough to study science or commerce. However, humanities can be exciting with a broad range of opportunities just like science or commerce

  • History: the study of past events related facts and how they shaped society and their culture, such as wars, famines, accidents etc. The job opportunities would be of an Archeologist, Archeologist, Museum officer.
  • Philosophy and Religion: Study of human behavior and concerns such as knowledge, values, meaning of existence, existence of god etc. the study of psychology was shaped out from Philosophy. The career Opportunities involve Counseling, Lawyer, Minister, Researcher, Professor, Politician etc.
  • Languages and literature: The study of languages, culture and the history of the language, Short stories, Novels etc.  Interpreter, translator, teacher, writer etc are the job profiles.
  • Arts: The study of theatre, music, drawing/sketching, crafts, movies etc. the analytical evaluation and observation, technical sides etc. the study of historical art forms are known as fine arts. The job profiles under this category are Musicians, Dancers, Actors, Photographer, Poster designer etc.

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Advantages of Arts stream:

  • It inculcates various soft skills such as communication skills, logical thinking, analytical ability, etc. that will help you become an artist.
  • You can work as a government agent after clearing exams such as UPSC.
  • Arts stream allows individuals to be self-employed.


Science is the systematic study of the world around you. The broad range of areas within science are Bio-science and Physical Science.

  • Bio- Science deals with life forms, how they eat, drink, conserve energy, their habitats, what are the ideal conditions under which they could sustain properly, extinction etc are studied under biological sciences. The job profiles of Botanist, Zoologist, Doctors,Veterinary doctors etc. come under this category.
  • Physical Science deals with inorganic or non- living objects, which could be classified further as
    • Physics- the study of matter, energy and their properties,
    • Chemistry- the study of elements and compounds found in the environment, their composition, properties and their interactions,
    • Astronomy- the study of objects beyond earth,
    • Geology- the study of the solid earth, rocks, core etc.

Must Read: 

Advantages of studying Science:

  • Science opens numerous career options with lucrative salaries.
  • Science helps people understand the internal and external structure of everything around us.
  • Science teaches various skills to students which can also be applied in other career lines.
  • You can easily shift to other streams after pursuing science.

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The work environment for science professionals varies according to their speciality. Typically Doctors are placed in hospitals, Pharmacist in a retail pharmacy or hospital, Astrologist in a research organisation, Bio-technicians and Biochemist in laboratories etc. the time period and salary varies with the expertise and time required. The professions of humanities would often require collaboration with many other professionals. They don’t have fixed work hours and must be flexible and they don’t have a steady income, unlike science professionals. The professions in the arts industry such as writer, dancer, and photographer, are not time-oriented jobs. They are always at work. The lawyers, translators, etc. might have to adjust their work schedules based on their client's convenience, demands and requirements and their incomes are directly related to performance.

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Choosing a career is important, but it need not be a difficult or messy one. The interests and capabilities are shaped by innate abilities when combined with life experiences. That’s where a career counsellor could assist. The counsellors could assist you in making the crucial decision of your life by assessing your aptitude, interest, personality and skills.

Make it right with the career counselors assistance at Brainwonders..!

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