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Know more in details about JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) Advanced

17 August,2022  |  By Brainwonders

details about JEE

IIT Bombay has released the official JEE Advanced exam pattern on its website. The detailed information brochure is provided on its main website in which everything is mentioned about exam paper pattern, marking scheme, number of sections, exam durations, etc. 

Table of Contents:

–About JEE Advanced

–JEE Advanced Highlights

–JEE Advanced Eligibility Criteria 

–JEE Advanced Exam Pattern 

  • JEE Advanced Paper 1 Exam Pattern
  • JEE Advanced Paper 2 Exam Pattern

–JEE Advanced Marking Scheme 

  • JEE Advanced Marking Scheme of Paper 1
  • JEE Advanced Marking Scheme of Paper 2

About JEE Advanced

JEE Advanced, also known as the Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced), is the second part of the JEE. It is an engineering entrance test administered on a rotating basis by one of seven participating IITs (IIT Roorkee, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, IIT Bombay, IIT Hyderabad, and IIT Guwahati) for admission to B.E./B.Tech and Architecture programmes at 23 participating IITs. The test is only for the top 2,50,000 JEE Main exam rank holders.

JEE Advanced Highlights

Name of the Exam JEE Advanced 2022
Conducting Body Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Purpose of the Exam Admission to IITs, IISc, CFTIs, etc.
Application Mode Online
JEE Advanced 2022 August 28, 2022
Exam Mode Computer-Based Test
Number of Papers Two Mandatory Papers (Paper 1 & 2)
Number of Subjects Three (Physics, Chemistry, Maths)
Type of Questions MCQs and Non-MCQs
Number of Papers The exam will have two mandatory papers- Paper 1 and Paper 2
Total time duration

3 hours for each paper

4 hours for each paper for PwD candidates)

Number of sections

Both the papers will have 3 sections-

Paper 1-

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics

Paper 2-

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics

JEE Advanced Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit:

General category candidates must have been born on or after October 1, 1997. Candidates from the SC/ST/PWD categories will be given 5-year age relaxation.

Qualifying Examination:

Candidates who took the class 12 or equivalent test for the first time in 2021 or 2022 with the subjects Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics will be eligible for JEE Advanced 2022.

Performance in JEE Mains:

Candidates who wish to compete in JEE Advanced 2022 must be among the top 2,50,000 successful candidates (across all categories) in the JEE Main 2022 B.E./B.Tech Paper. The following percentages of candidates have been shortlisted: 10% for GEN-EWS, 27% for OBC-NCL, 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST, and the remaining 40.5% is open to all. PwD applicants are eligible for a 5% horizontal reservation in each of these five categories.

Number of Attempts:

Candidates who are eligible for JEE Advanced 2022 may take the test no more than twice in two consecutive years.

JEE Advanced Exam Pattern 

Typically, the questions in the JEE Advanced paper are complex and tricky. The test also assesses theoretical knowledge and students' reasoning abilities, comprehension skills, and analytical capability. As a result, it is critical to becoming acquainted with the exam and the question paper early on.

JEE Advanced Paper 1 Exam Pattern:

Section Types of questions No. of questions Maximum Marks
Section 1 MCQs with Single Correct Option 6 18
Section 2 Single Correct Option 6 24
Section 3 Numerical Value Answer 6 24

JEE Advanced Paper 2 Exam Pattern:

Section Types of questions No. of questions Maximum Marks
Section 1 MCQs with one or more correct answer 6 24
Section 2 Numerical value answer type questions 6 24
Section 3 Single-digit integer answer (0-9) 6 18

JEE Advanced Marking Scheme 

In the below mentioned charts, you will find the exact marking scheme of JEE Advanced paper.

JEE Advanced Marking Scheme of Paper 1:

Section Question Type Total Questions Full Marks Partial Marks Partial Marks Maximum Marks  
1 Single Correct Option 6 +3 If only the right answer is selected -1 (in all other cases) 18
2 One or more option (s) is correct 6 +4 – If the right option is selected

+3 – If all the four options are right, but only three options are selected

+2 – If three or more options are right, but only two options are chosen, both of which are right options.

-2: In all other cases 24 3 Numerical Value Answer 6 +4 – If only the right numerical value is written 24  

JEE Advanced Marking Scheme of Paper 2:

Section Question Type Total Questions Full Marks Partial Marks Negative Marks Maximum Marks
1 MCQs with 4 options (one or more than one correct answers) 6 +4 if only (all) the right option(s) is (are) chosen

+3 if all the four options are correct, only if three options are chosen

+2 if three or more alternatives are correct but only two are selected, both options must be accurate

+1 if two or more options are right, but only one option is chosen, and it must be correct

-2 (in all other cases) 24
2 Numerical value answer type questions 6 +4 if only the correct numerical value is given 24 24
3 Single-digit integer answer (0-9) 6 +3 if only the correct numbers are entered -1 in all other cases 18

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Freqently Asked Questions:

1. What is the highest marks in jee advanced? 

Ans: The heighest marks in JEE advanced History is 360 out of 360.This height score is attained by Kalpit Veerwal in 2017.

2. Is jee advanced easy?

Ans: JEE Advanced is widely recognized as one of the world's most challenging undergraduate entrance exams. Its difficulty level is often considered high due to the intricate problem-solving skills and in-depth knowledge it demands.

3. What if i clear jee mains but not jee advanced?

Ans: If you don't qualify for JEE Advanced but have cleared JEE Mains, you can explore alternative options, like participating in JEE Main counseling sessions for various institutes. 

4. What is negative marks in jee advanced?

Ans: The negative marks in JEE based on the one fourth marks of every wrong answer you give. That's why give me the answer correctly.

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