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Know more in details about JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) Mains

16 August,2022  |  By Brainwonders

Know more in details about JEE

JEE Main is a computer-based entrance exam conducted by National Testing Agency for students who want to pursue their undergraduate courses from top engineering institutes in India. JEE Main is the first entrance exam phase of the IIT Joint Entrance Exam. Once the candidates clear the JEE Mains, they will be eligible to appear for JEE Advanced. 

More importantly, students are admitted to IITs, CFTIs, NITs, and other government-funded technical institutes depending on their performance in JEE Main. In addition, the top 2,50,000 JEE Main students would be eligible to take JEE Advanced. 

Table of Contents:

–About JEE Main

–JEE Main Exam Highlights

–JEE Main Eligibility

–JEE Main eligibility for Paper 2A & 2B

–IIT JEE Main Exam Pattern with Marking Scheme

  • Paper 1
  • Paper 2A
  • Paper 2B

–JEE Main Exam Syllabus

–JEE Main Reservation Criteria

About JEE Main

JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) Main is the centralised test conducted across different states in India. NTA conducts the exam in January and April. The NTA conducts examinations using LAN instead of the Internet to conduct a safe and secure examination. The aspirants' journey would only begin after they have passed the Main examination. The Mains scores determine eligibility for the following step, Advanced.

JEE Main exam is conducted for 3 sets of aspirants:

  • Paper 1 is intended for students pursuing B. Tech. or B.E. degrees.
  • Paper 2A is for students interested in pursuing a B. Arch. Degree.
  • Paper 2B is for students interested in pursuing a B. Planning degree.

JEE Main Exam Highlights

Name of Exam JEE Main
Exam Level National
Exam Duration 3 Hours
Total Marks 300 Marks
Total Sessions in 2022 Two Sessions
Exam Medium 13 Languages
Exam Conducting Authority NTA (National Testing Agency)
Purpose Admissions to IITs, NITs, IIITs and GFTIs
Mode of Examination Computer-based
Type of questions Objective-type
Test Centres The exam centres will be assigned based on the cities selected by the candidates in their online application form.
JEE Main Official Website

JEE Main Eligibility

Candidates who meet the eligibility requirement set by NTA are only eligible to apply online for JEE Main. 

  1. Age Limit

There is no age limit for the applicants to appear for the JEE Main entrance examination. Moreover, candidates should satisfy themselves regarding the age limit while being admitted to a particular college.

  1. Years of Appearance in Qualifying Examination 

Candidates who have passed 12th or its equivalent examination in 2020 or 2021 are only eligible. Candidates appearing for the final examinations of class 12th are also eligible.

  1. Subjects in the Qualifying Examination

To apply for JEE Main 2022, candidates must have taken at least five subjects in their class 12 qualifying examination. The candidate must have studied Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in the B.Arch qualifying exams. 

  1. Percentage of Marks

Candidates have to score at least 75% in aggregate for admission to top engineering institutions in the country, such as IITs, NITs, and CFTIs. For reserved category students, it is at least 65%.

  1. B.Arch Eligibility

B.Arch. is the paper-II.

Candidates seeking admission to this course must have completed their 10+2 or equivalent with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Diploma recipients are not eligible to apply. 

JEE Main eligibility for Paper 2A & 2B

  • The candidate must have obtained 50% in Maths, Physics, and Chemistry and 50% in the qualifying test.
  • Mathematics is required for applicants to B.Arch./B.Planning programmes.

IIT JEE Main Exam Pattern with Marking Scheme

Paper 1
Subjects Total No. of Questions Total Marks
Physics 30 120
Chemistry 30 120
Mathematics 30 120
Total 90 360

Paper 1 Marking Scheme

  • In contrast to previous years, negative marking has been implemented in Section B.
  • Each correct response will receive 4 marks, while each incorrect answer will receive 1 mark. This is true for both MCQs and numerical questions.
  • Unanswered questions receive no score.
Paper 2A
Subjects Total No. of Questions Total Marks
Mathematics 30 120
Aptitude Test 50 200
Drawing Test 2 70
Total 82 390

Paper 2A Marking Scheme

  • 4 marks will be rewarded for every correct answer in the Aptitude and Mathematics sections, while 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer. 
  • No negative marking for unanswered questions.
  • For Drawing, test marks will be assigned based on candidates drawing skills.
Paper 2B
Subjects Total No. of Questions Total Marks
Mathematics 25 100
General Aptitude 50 200
Planning Skills 25 100
Total 105 400

Paper 2B Marking Scheme

  • For each correct response, 4 marks will be granted, while 1 mark will be subtracted for each incorrect answer.
  • For both MCQs and numerical-based questions, a negative marking of 1 mark is allowed.
  • There are no negative marks for questions that are unattempted.

JEE Main Exam Syllabus


Vectors 3D Geometry
Sequence and Series Determinant and Matrices
Circles Straight Lines
Definite Integral Probability Distribution
Functions Limits and Continuity
Conic Sections Application of Derivatives
Quadratic Equation Complex Numbers
Binomial Theorem Area under the Curve


Ray Optics Thermodynamics
Semiconductors EM Waves
Gravitation Magnetism
Alternating Current Wave Optics
Electromagnetic Induction Oscillations
Kinematics Rotation
Current Electricity Electrostatics
Magnetic Effects of Current Properties of Matter
Bohr’s Atomic Model Waves and Sound


Gaseous and Liquid State Atomic Structure
Chemical Kinetics Electrochemistry
Chemical Bonding Surface Chemistry
Coordination Compound D Block Elements
Aromatic Compounds Alkyl Halides
P Block Elements Thermodynamics
Isomerism General Organic Chemistry
Carboxylic Acids Aldehydes and Ketones
Nuclear Chemistry  

JEE Main Reservation Criteria

For admissions through JEE Main, the testing authority follows the reservation standards established by the government of India. Based on the categorical reservation policy, all India ranks will be issued. The percentage reservations of categories for JEE Main admissions are as follows:

  • OBC Candidates: 27% reservation
  • SC Candidates: 15% reservation
  • ST Candidates: 7.5% reservation
  • PwD Candidates: 5% reservation
  • GEN-EWS Candidates: 10% reservation
  • Women Candidates: 5% reservation

Unsure about what to do after 12th Science, visit Brainwonders for Career Counselling. Additionally, Brainwonders also provides various assessments like DMIT Test, Aptitude Test, IQ Test, and Personality Test, which help you discover your career based on your interest. Get in touch with us; we are ready to assist you!

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