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What to Do After Graduation in 2023: Tips, Ideas, Options, and Current Events

09 January,2023  |  By Brainwonders

What To Do After Graduation

Have you ever tried to visualize or think about what is going to happen after you graduate? First and foremost, congratulate yourself! After all, it's a lifetime achievement. Even if you haven't seen yourself in the cape yet, and before you imagine yourself in the black cape flying your mortarboard hat up in the air—or, at the very least, before you post an Instagram photo of it just sit with yourself and think if you are planning on going straight into a cubicle after graduation or burying yourself in studies once more? What happens after you graduate? What plans do you have with your bachelor's degree? Do you have any original ideas or are you simply collecting information from various resources?

Here are some simple solutions to guide you with your concerns or doubts. This should be quite beneficial to you.

The majority of students have no objectives and no idea about what they're doing. The truth is that when you graduate from college, you are leaving behind the most concentrated group of people (in your life) who are exactly your age and at the same stage of life as you are. After college and you suddenly find yourself dispersed around the country but someplace that is near your hometown. It is understandable to look for work and take on paid work for a few years to pay the bills and get by. However, as your job progresses, there are a lot of other things to consider in your life. Let’s understand what they are and what to do after graduation.

Suggestions for Everyone of What to do after graduation

In case you have already attended the graduation ceremony and have tossed your mortarboard hat in the air, congratulations, and felicitations to you. However, it is also important for you to move on and try:

  1. Reflecting on your position of employment as it is going to be important for you in the future (and explore the types of job positions you can have if you choose a career with the subjects you have inclinations towards so far).
  2. Following graduation choose whether you want to switch your discipline of study or you wish to stick to it. And, if something goes wrong, be sure you have a backup plan and stick to your agendas to achieve your plans.
  3. A gap year (finding out what your professional interests are. Also, by seeing more of the world and by learning languages, and experiencing different cultures – but this may increase your knowledge and perspective. This exhibits your maturity, planning abilities and strong organization, and self-sufficiency as a job prospect and can boost your employability.)

Recommended Reads:

  1. Dreams that you have pre-planned and have in mind for a long-term goal (For instance, to become a business owner).
  2. You can also turn your passion into a job.
  3. You can teach abroad, gain experience of a new culture, and develop a strong, transferrable skill set.
  4. Many colleges hire past students to join administrative departments like admissions, and academic advising.
  5. You can take an apprenticeship with vocational jobs. In apprenticeship, companies give hands-on assignments and real-problems to solve.

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Choose among These 10 General Trending Options Depending on Your Degree :

What to do after graduation? Of course, some graduate degrees provide more flexibility than others; for example, if you study natural science, math, and statistics, you will have access to all of the below-mentioned possibilities to make your career in:

  1. Exams and banking jobs
    1. Through CAT and you can get your MBA.
  2. Choose the career in the GATE exam. So, BHEL, GAIL, HAL, IOCL and NTPC, NPCIL, ONGC, PGCI, and other Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) accept GATE scores for employment.
  3. Consider putting your CV on certain websites that can provide you with a variety of opportunities.
    You could work as an Intern, Junior Research Analyst, Commercial Assistant, or other position in a consulting, consultancy, or intelligence organization. (Companies such as Genpact, EY, PwC, SAP, Six Sigma, Stan C, JP Morgan Chase and Deutsche Bank, McKinsey & Company, and others, for example, are always looking for new talent.)
    Experience is a plus, but you can also start with a fresh mind and perspective. However, you should begin with different employment opportunities and then shift to something similar in 3-4 years.
    Alternatively, you may apply to design, advertising, or firms related to radio jockey. They keep looking for recent graduates.
  4. Actuarial Science is a branch of mathematics and in this career, you can flourish in many ways (provided you have studied higher Mathematics in class 11th-12th at least). 

Are you planning to study in USA? Find out the eligibility criteria to study in the USA.

Tips to know more of what to do after graduation:

  1. Exams for the government can be found at UPSC, SSB, and CGL. For each exam, match the eligibility conditions. Regularly check your calendars (Rojgar Samachar/ UPSC/ SSB).
  2. Join media and journalistic firms for a variety of positions, such as technical analysis, media research, and so on. They keep looking for recently passed graduates and the ones who have done some internship.
  3. Decide to work as a freelancer or for a small business: Many data/market research start-ups as well as other EdTech firms keep looking for freelancers/ Subject Matter Experts for real projects. Make a list of your qualifications once more. Make your CV look good, market your degree properly, and flaunt it. For example, you can be asked to contribute to primary content creation by providing well-explained, that is step-by-step solutions to unsolvable end-of-chapter tasks in university textbooks.

Recommended Reads:

  1. The UPSC Civil Services exam has an open option.
  2. Upskill with online certification courses like MIT OpenCourse Ware, edX, Lynda (LinkedIn Learning – thus far the best), Coursera, Udacity, or DataCamp are available. You can add them to your CV before applying for jobs.
  3. If you are an Economics graduate, for example, the most influential factors for you will be:

Experimental Economics, Game Theory, Model Thinking, Neuroeconomics, Financial Markets, Earth Economics, Public Economics, Organizational Analysis, Arctic Change (Nexus of Governance), etc., or with these courses, specialize in a specific economy such as China, Australia, Russia, or Korea!


Following graduation in these professions, below are some examples of what people have done :

We've only mentioned four fields here else things would get quite exhaustive and you'd get irritated! Let's keep it simple. Don't worry if yours isn't featured; simply leave a remark and let us know. We'll do our best to assist.

Finance and Accounting

Jobs that are directly connected to your Bachelor's degree include:

Must Read: 

A bachelor's degree might be beneficial in the following jobs:
  • Retail banker
  • Tax adviser
  • Business development manager
  • Data analyst
  • Economist
  • Actuary
  • Arbitrator
  • Licensed conveyancer
  • Management consultant
  • Mortgage adviser
  • Procurement manager

Software Engineering

Works that are closely connected to your Bachelor's degree include the following:
  • Applications developer
  • IT consultant
  • Multimedia programmer
  • Web developer
  • Web designer
  • Cyber security analyst
  • Game developer
  • Information systems manager
  • Software engineer

Recommended Reads: 

Careers that would benefit from a bachelor's degree:
  • Systems analyst
  • Software tester
  • Application analyst
  • Database administrator
  • Forensic computer analyst
  • IT technical support officer
  • Sound designer


Beneficial Degree in the following jobs are useful:
  • General practice doctor
  • Hospital doctor
  • Surgeon
  • Anaesthetist
  • Cardiologist
  • Clinical radiologist
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Pathologist
  • Neurologist
  • Psychiatrist

Find out about:

Few more to know:

  • Research scientist (life sciences)
  • Paramedic
  • Physician associate
  • Epidemiologist
  • Medical science liaison
  • Clinical scientist, genomics
  • Higher education lecturer
  • International aid/development worker
  • Medical sales representative
  • Adult nurse
  • Children’s nurse
  • Mental health nurse
  • Midwife
  • Naturopath
  • Science writer


Related Laws Degree:
  • Arbitrator
  • Barrister
  • Costs lawyer
  • Detective
  • Paralegal
  • Solicitor
  • Licensed conveyancer
  • Barrister’s clerk
  • Chartered legal executive
  • Company secretary
  • Mediator
  • Patent attorney
  • Advice worker
  • Border Force officer
  • Data analyst
  • Data scientist
  • External auditor
  • Chartered accountant
  • Civil Service administrator
  • Political risk analyst
  • Stockbroker
  • Trading standards officer
  • Forensic computer analyst
  • Human resources officer

Recommended Reads:

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