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01 October,2020 | By Brainwonders
Happy Fathers Day. The role of father is often relegated to a secondary status as compared to a mother. But all of us know that father is just as important for a child as the mother is. If mothers are the heroes of child rearing, significance of father in the development and emotional well being of a child is no less.
Children depend on their father for their emotional, physical, financial and social well being. For daughters, father is the ideal man in the world and also the first man they adore; while for sons, father is an idol and the strongest man they aspire to imitate.
Father’s day is an opportunity to express thanks to our Daddy for all their unconditional love and affection. Observance of Father’s Day makes fathers feel that their contributions are acknowledged in the society and also by their children.
They feel proud of themselves ! By celebrating Father’s Day, children come closer to their father. Celebration of Father’s Day makes them consider for a while on the important role their father play in their life.
This helps them appreciate the selfless care and protection provided by their father and hence they come emotionally closer to them.
The importance of a father can’t be neglected or ignored at all. He is the hero who is always ready to take on everyday troubles of his children. In fantasy, all children create an idealised version of a father.
Fathers are the saviours who help you with your fractions, learning to ride a bike, play cricket, show you magic tricks with cards or handkerchiefs, who play charades or read the comics with you.
Research shows that engaged fathers have a positive influence on their children. Academic success, better social development, and higher self-esteem are some of the effects on children who have dads involved in their everyday life.
Thus, understanding the child is at the apex. At Brainwonders, through DMIT we identify the inborn talents, personality, characteristic traits of the child.
This will help them to actively participate in their child’s development by focusing on their weak and strong areas, evaluating the aptitude and interest.
Later helping the child discover his/her own passion and motivate them in his/her passion for a successful career. Their role helps mould and shape the child as they grow both physically, mentally, and socially.
Recommended Read: Your Child, Your Parenting, Our Tools
Thus, the role of father love in child development is of significant importance.
The influence of a father’s involvement initiates from early intervention and extends into adolescence and young adulthood. Several studies find that an active and nurturing style of fathering is associated with better verbal skills, intellectual functioning, cognitive development , academic achievement and better career outcome in a child’s life.
The traditional roles of fathers are slowly changing. The father of today is more than just an authority figure. They play different roles like a friend, philosopher, and guide.
With a more dynamic environment wherein, the children are taught to be independent and to take decisions on their own but also positively scrutinise and support them .
We believe that Every Day Should Be A FATHER’S DAY. Your involvement is an investment for a future of strong and confident adults
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