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International Youth Day – This is YOUR Day!

09 January,2023  |  By Brainwonders

International Youth Day

"Good habits formed at youth make all the difference." – Aristotle. As mentioned in Aristotle's quote, good habits are all the youth need; based on that; they will build a strong foundation, create an entire infrastructure, and pave their way towards the zenith of success!

When is International Youth Day Celebrated?

Every year on the 12th of August, International Youth Day highlights today's youth's contribution to society's development. The significance of this day is also to raise awareness about the injustices that young people suffer around the world because they are not only tomorrow's leaders but also making significant changes in society.

International Youth Day is celebrated on the 12th of August, focusing on the difficulties or challenges some young individuals are experiencing worldwide. This day, importance is given to youth people who can pave the way to make a better future as well as a career despite having limited resources and facing difficulties. 

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History of International Youth Day

In 1965, the United Nations General Assembly started to work hard to reach out to young people. They agreed with the Declaration on the Promotion of Peace, Mutual Respect, and Understanding between Peoples among Youth. They started spending time and money to give young people more power by recognising new leaders and giving them tools to help the world.

International Youth Day was made when the UN General Assembly approved a recommendation from the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth on the 17th of December, 1999.

It was first when the International Youth Day was celebrated on the 12th of August 2000 by the United Nations to recognise the contributions that young generation people make in community development, environmental groups, education, and volunteering for different social projects.

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Traditions of the International Youth Day

International Youth Day aims to raise awareness about any injustice or prejudice occurring in the world towards young people, who are crucial in nation-building. It engages and incorporates youngsters and aims to take initiative actions that will bring more opportunities in the future. 

The youth of today's world face different challenges and barriers to prosperity, depending on which part of the world they are in. Young individuals in developed and developing countries are more prone to social and mental challenges. In contrast, young individuals in underdeveloped countries face extreme challenges rooted in basic requirements such as health, education and employment. 

These barriers and challenges are widely discussed on local, governmental and institutional levels. Earlier Training sessions, seminars, webinars, discussion forums featuring influential figures as key speakers, motivational speakers, and fundraisers to provide educational material and create awareness among the youth are conducted on International Youth Day. 

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Significance of International Youth Day

Activities for International Youth Day focus on ensuring that young people have unfettered access to all aspects of public and private life, including education, healthcare, employment, and financial services. This day is dedicated to recognising and celebrating the efforts of young people worldwide who are working as activists and volunteers to bring about positive change.

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How is International Youth Day Celebrated?

Every year, the United Nations selects themes for International Youth Day so that participants can focus on the related themes and design their events in areas where there is a need among the world's youth. Several activities and events take place on this day all across the world. These events are typically parades, concerts, fairs, festivals, exhibitions, and sports. To promote the message, the UN devised a framework that highlighted three approaches: increased young commitment and investment, expanded youth involvement and partnerships, and increased intercultural understanding among adolescents.

On this day, various educational radio shows, public meetings, or debates are held, as well as round table talks between adults and young people to foster intergenerational understanding, a youth forum to exchange ideas, a concert, an exhibition, and so on.

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"The foundation of every state is the education of its youth." – Diogenes, as we all agree with the statement, if we want to build an empire, we have to build the foundation by today itself. The foundation path starts with a quality education. So invest your couple of years towards achieving your desired goal and build a milestone!

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