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IQ Assessments | IQ test | Aptitude test for Career

24 March,2022  |  By Brainwonders

IQ assessment test Image

What is an IQ test?

Intelligence Quotient is one of the fundamental assessments calculated by answering questions per several sections. IQ Tests are conducted to determine one's facets, strengths, etc.

What is a decent IQ score, and how can you get one?

An average IQ score is always 100, and your score determines your IQ ranking compared to an average score. Usually, most people's IQ score is between 85 and 115. 

Approximately 2% of the population has an IQ score lower than 69 points. A low IQ score of this magnitude is typically difficult to quantify with a standard intelligence test. Extremely high IQ values, such as those above 150, are also challenging to assess accurately.

IQ Assessment- Medium to know our potential strength

Creative Brain

Intelligence assessments are commonly done to determine multiple facets, capabilities, and potential areas. An IQ test is one of the best ways to get a visual and imperative understanding of any human being. In addition, they are the source from which one can learn about one's strong and weak points from various perspectives.

Aptitude test for Career

One of the vital aspects of conducting aptitude tests for a career is demonstrating one's key functionalities. Generally, secondary school students and adults take aptitude tests to indicate which career option they should choose depending on their expertise.

An aptitude test for a career is a need of the hour. First, it gives a brief descriptive idea by answering the multiple-choice question. These questions are based on arithmetic, logical reasoning, verbal questioning, mathematics, and abstract reasoning. 

Why is an aptitude test for a Career essential?

You will be able to find several career aptitude tests like "get IQ assessment," "career test online," "career guidance test," and "career counselling online test" to find suitable aptitude tests for your Career.

Personality Test

A personality test was conducted to measure one's personality constructs. A precise personality test will provide reliable and consistent results that match your personality. When they evaluate or access a person's personality, psychologists follow a scientific and systematic method. After the evaluation of the personality test, they will elaborate on the insights of your brain, which explain the underlying pattern of emotions and thought processes. 

These aptitude tests will determine the correct type of Career that will suit you. In addition, it will evaluate your problem-solving and decision-making skills, how mature you are, how extroverted you are, and much more.


Your personal and professional values determine the values that will define your Career. 

An aptitude test for a job in terms of value can easily find which area of expertise matters to you most. For example, you will go for a career that brings you interest while working and then go for a highly paid job that doesn't interest you.



Skills determine the pivotal roles of your personality. For example, if you have strong communication skills, you will be selecting the profession that gives immense importance to communication skills. For example, you can go for mass media communication and journalism.

I suppose your drawing skills are remarkable. You will be pursuing your Career in graphics designing, art teaching, etc. 

Interest Aptitude

Students mostly take Interest Aptitude Test (IAT) to identify their unique area of interest. This aptitude test for a career identifies your claim in a particular occupation. It can be anything, be it gardening, agriculture, teaching, etc.

Apart from that, there are also many career aptitude test which is made available, including:

  • Spatial ability test
  • Quantitative ability test
  • Logical reasoning test
  • Critical reasoning test
  • Visual reasoning test
  • Problem-solving abilities test
  • Judgment test
  • Verbal reasoning test
  • Abstract reasoning test
  • Arithmetic reasoning test
  • Accuracy and efficiency test
Two types of Human intelligence that determine your Aptitude:

As mentioned above, the Career determines different aspects of human intelligence. I have mentioned two crucial intelligence tools to create a perfect picture of your intelligence.

1. Crystallized Intelligence 

Knowledge gained via life experiences and education serves as the foundation for crystallised intelligence; hence, everything one has learned in school and college contributes to developing one's crystallised intelligence.  

Examples of test that measures fluid intelligence  

  • Decision-making test
  • Numerical reasoning test
  • Verbal reasoning test
  • Language proficiency test
2. Fluid Intelligence

Fluid intelligence may be shown by solving issues and using effective abstract thinking techniques. It is the capacity to examine a given scenario and develop a solution to that problem. We do not depend on previously acquired information while using fluid intelligence. It is about the wit of the human being that operates in the face of adversity. 

Fluid reasoning assessments are thus based on pattern recognition and abstract thinking at their foundation. Furthermore, nonverbal difficulties such as arithmetic and riddles are included in the definition of fluid intelligence.

Examples of test that measures fluid intelligence

  • Abstract reasoning test
  • Spatial reasoning test
  • Visual reasoning test
  • Puzzles
  • Problem-solving test

Why choose Brainwonders to take the Aptitude Test for a Career?

Brainwonders is the best organisation if you are looking to take the aptitude test for a Career. Based on your test assessment, you will get to know all the imperative abilities and weaknesses. Our Psychologists are experienced in improving career counselling advice, which will help you understand your potential facets. Then you can decide on the Career based on your unique interest. 

Since 2011, we have helped more than 2,80,000 students find out about their Careers through our Career assessment test. Get in touch with us to find your answers to career questions and build your excellent future.

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