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Let’s get COVID-19 Ready!

15 October,2020  |  By Brainwonders

work from home image

One realises that they are an adult when they have to keep going while Coronavirus continues to be a global threat. Though one is being forced to be at home, any adult continues with expectations to handle professional and personal life.

That is Brainwonders as the largest counselling and assessment organisation is here to help you ease your lifestyle in such difficult times.


It does get confusing when your usual productive routine is complicated by a pandemic. COVID-19 is forcing people to work from home but that should not water your professional goals and personal responsibilities down. Here are some tips to help you continue your success story right from home :

Self-Discipline: Working from home brings their own complications as the missing official setup messes up the official routine. Coordinating with the team and having a lack of office facilities may seem difficult, but having a set schedule and self-supervision with the use of suitable apps can help- so it’s time to open all your planning and lifestyle apps and use the communication channels to stay connected. Remember you are the best person to bring out the best in you.

Accomplish personal goals: This is a good time to get back to all those unaccomplished new year resolutions or set up new challenges for yourself. That lifestyle habit that you have been trying to develop can start now. If you always wanted to create your vision board and fill up your planner with personal targets- now is a good time to start. Why delay now?

Let your ambitions soar: Often we get so lost in our routine work that we put a pin on our ambitions. We are caught in a rat race while life passes by so we often limit our vision to what is needed versus what we can do. It is now time to research and take the guidance (without stepping out, of course) to know how you can start translating YOUR dreams and ideas into real projects.

Connect with dear ones: While it is true that it is not advisable to meet and greet much now, you can use this time to bond with the important people you rarely had the time for- your family (or even your flatmates). Bring out those board games or just help each other out for household tasks, it is the time spent with each other that you will cherish later.

Indulge yourself: Being an adult is exhausting. This hardly gives one time for oneself but now as one can leave the rush of the outside world out, one can start engaging in health initiatives like yoga or recreational time like reading which can be easily done at home. You are saving all the time and energy of an office commute, so why delay the most important factor- you!

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COVID-19 can’t put your career on pause. So many amazing achievements can be launched right from home. Hence, Brainwonders has you covered to cater to your success story- right from the safety of your home. Here is what Brainwonders online services are about

career counselling

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test:

Every Brainwonders employee carries their own biometric scanner. It is sanitized before and after every use. Even the reports and counsellings are available in an online format. So you can use it to unlock your potential to know about your career prospects, personal management, relationship development and much more without stressing yourself out.

About DMIT Test

Psychometric Tests:

Brainwonders has a popular online psychometric test series which are accessible to all age groups right on their fingertips. One can just open your phone or laptop and take the test and use the report to shape your future.

Personal and Career Development:

Apart from the online personal counseling sessions, Brainwonders has launched a webinar series targeting various important aspects like efficiency working from home, occupational success and productivity. It will also include live interactions with expert psychologists and certified counselors who will share recommendations that can be easily implemented in the current situation.

Remember that because you are at home- one needs to use this time to boost your future. Even now, your career and personal responsibilities can’t wait- so why should we? Brainwonders experts are here to help you out with all your needs and care for your safety as much as you. Connect with us on call or email and rest assured that your child’s future is safe with us.

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Brainwonders 804 , 8th floor, Paras Business Center, Kasturba Carter Road No. 1, behind kasturba Police station, Borivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066