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5 Key things regarding National Education Policy 2020

09 May,2023  |  By Brainwonders

National Education Policy

2020 is a year of crisis! We all have witnessed the pandemic which bought the world to a standstill. This pandemic bought numerous changes of which Work From Home (WFH) and online schooling were the most remarkable ones. The idea of ‘everything digital’ just got real! While adults could easily adapt to the WFH idea, the children had a tough time handling this change. It was majorly the responsibility of the teaching structure to help kids adopt a new side of learning. In short, to create a classroom kind of environment at home.

With all such challenges in 2020, came the New Education Policy (NEP). It was last framed in 1986 and launched on 29th July 2020. The idea was put forward by former ISRO Chief K. Kasturirangan who discussed the ongoing issue and transitions in the education system. He aimed to create an impact on everyone ranging from primary school to the workplace. It was approved by the union cabinet and has successfully made revolutionary reforms in the Indian education paradigm. Are you wondering what this New Education Policy can get? Let’s read out to find more.

This policy introduces you to a single regulator for higher education institutions, the scheme of multiple entries and exit options in degree courses, the low stakes board exams, and common entrance exams for universities.

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Some of the Major Highlights of this policy for you are

Schooling begins from 3 years

1. Schooling begins from 3 years:

This revised policy expands the age group for mandatory schooling from 6-14 years to 3-18 years. This new system will provide you with 12 years of schooling with three years of Aanganwadi/ pre-schooling. 

  • Foundation Stage- this stage begins from age 3 to 8 years in Anganwadi or pre-school education and class 1 & 2 system. This system possesses only multi-level play activity, interactive school activity, and basic learning of literature and numerals.
  • Preparatory Stage- 3 years from age 8 to 11. This stage includes class 3- class 5. This system will consist of the basic learning of all subjects and their activities.
  • Middle Stage- 3years from age 11 to 14. This stage includes class 6- class 8. This system consists of the practical learning of arts, social activities, humanities, science, and mathematics with corresponding internships to experience the working environment in the described fields.
  • Secondary Stage- 4 years from age 14 to 18. This stage includes class 9- class 12. This system consists of multidisciplinary education, Critical analysis and thinking, students’ choice of subjects, and expertise in it.

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2. Emphasis on promoting multilingualism and Indian languages

The National education policy 2020 has directed its focus on your mother tongue as the medium of instruction. The ‘three language formula’ mandates no language would be imposed on you. This policy indicates that you can now be able to study in your mother tongue/ local language and/or your regional language till at least grade five and beyond. This will ensure that you will be able to understand the subject and not merely read without understanding the meaning of it 

3. A Single regulatory Body of Higher Education:

The Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) will now set up a regulatory body for the entire higher education. Norms, regulations, accreditation, and academic standards will be the same for both the private and public sectors. Thus, providing you with the opportunity to give one common entrance exam for higher education, multiple exit and entry wherein you can start and end your education allowing you to join back without losing your credits.  

4. Separation between subject streams to be blurred:

As per NEP 2020, the rigid separations between subjects’ streams will be done away with. You can now have the liberty to choose subjects you would like to study across streams. Vocational education will also be introduced to you from Class 6 and will include internships as well with local trades and crafts. Additionally, coding will also be taught to you beginning from Class 6.

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5. The Return of the FYUP Programme and No More Dropouts:

The duration of the undergraduate degree will be either 3 or 4 years. Students will also be given multiple exit options within this period. Colleges will have to grant a certificate to a student if they would like to leave after completing 1 year in a discipline or field including vocational and professional areas, a diploma after 2 years of study, or a Bachelor’s degree after completing a three-year programme. An Academic Bank of Credit will be established by the Government for digitally storing academic credits earned from different Higher Educational Institutions so that these can be transferred and counted towards the final degree earned.

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