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15 October,2020 | By Brainwonders
As we move towards a time where a tiny virus is putting a pause on global movements- it is time we capitalize on a situation where we are being confined to our houses. While many questions remain about the COVID-19 pandemic, the uncertainty is higher for students for whom these are their high-pressure years.
WE ARE HERE FOR YOU- Brainwonders as India’s largest counseling and assessment organisation has taken an initiative to help the students out to ensure that the career does not catch a break just because the rest of the world has to.
This is an age where the school & college are trying to balance coffee with friends while crafting their careers. Though a few days of restricting them to their homes is unavoidable, this cannot be an obstacle to their growth.
Brainwonders has put together a list of things to do that will flip all these restrictions into a bright future: This is what one can do :
Research– Ever wondered about all the things you don’t know of? Sometimes confusion arises because of ignorance. Now you have the time to explore! Whether it is all the opportunities you don’t know of or making a choice between your subjects for the next academic year-get online and just expand your horizons.
Prepare– In this fast-moving world, this is a good opportunity to calmly tackle any topics that have marred your mark sheet. Take out those lessons that put you to sleep, use fun tools like note-making, discussion groups, or online videos to develop your awareness and make them your strengths. You can alternatively start reading up for the next academic grade too and gain an edge.
Set a new schedule– Remember the never-ending study-tips and hoards of ‘suggestions’ that just end up complicating things. Now is a good time to check out your learning styles and see what works for you. Plan and follow a study technique that fits you and your personality the best.
Balance it out- School & college are crucial and hard-working years. Remember that unfinished painting or that short story waiting for its end you can finish them now! Now that the pressure is a little less, take some time out for your interests and hobbies and renew your skills.
Set Goals, and win them- If you have been wondering when will you be able to devote time to your health or learn some life skills- like how to change a flat tyre, stop waiting and start doing. You don’t have that extra-busy schedule so invest your time and energy into accomplishing personal goals as well.
Every Brainwonders employee carries their own biometric scanner. It is sanitised before and after every use. Even the reports and counsellings are available in an online format. So you can use it to unlock your potential to know about your career options, methods to prepare for them, and overcome your limitations without stressing yourself out.
Brainwonders has a popular online psychometric test series which are accessible to all age groups right at their fingertips. One can just open your phone or laptop and take the test and use the report to shape your future.
Apart from the online personal counselling sessions, Brainwonders has launched a webinar series targeting various important aspects like career guidance, academic excellence and occupational preparation. It will also include live interactions with expert psychologists and certified counselors who will share recommendations that can be easily implemented in the current situation.
Remember that because you are at home one needs to use this time to boost your future. Even now, your success story is building and these are the foundations. Brainwonders experts are here to help you out with all your needs and care for your safety as much as you. Connect with us on call or email and rest assured that your future is safe with us.
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