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Top 9 Factors to Make the Right Career Choice!

30 September,2022  |  By Brainwonders

 Right Career Choice

There are multiple facets that are at play while making the right career choice. A person’s career is one of the most important life decisions. It is not only seen as a source of financial independence but penetrates into other aspects of one’s humanity like social standing, competence, dignity and even human relationships.

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In fact, it often becomes synonymous with one’s identity. But with a plethora of deciding factors leading towards multiple options- the process becomes unnecessarily complicated.

In fact, many opt for a career counselling session with a psychologist who uses tests like DMIT, Aptitude, IQ or other Psychometric Test to understand various factors for professional guidance. Here are some of the top factors come into play to make the right career choice-

  • Personal Competencies- Understanding the personal assets and areas of improvement helps in streamlining the job sectors suited to individual strengths.
  • Paycheck- Every career decision ever made has this factor considered and is usually the most important reason.
  • Personal Growth- An ideal profession gives you the opportunity to use your skills and expand them.
  • Value Addition- It is crucial to feel appreciated and valued in  the organisation one is working in.

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  • Personality- Getting that work environment which fits with your approach to people and tasks is crucial.
  • Core Philosophies- Aligning the values and principle of the organisation with yours helps to be comfortable with the methods and work-style of the company.
  • Social Status- The work you choose should grant you a dignified position in your social setting where your contribution to social development is recognised.
  • Work-Life balance- It is paramount that your work understands your personal priorities and gives you reasonable space to pursue personal endeavors.
  • Job-satisfaction- Last but most importantly, your work should be something that makes your efforts feel worthwhile and fills you up with a sense of pride.

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Other factors which play a crucial role in career decisions are:

  • Level of education: You need to get more education to prove your worth in the company you are working for.
  • Work Attitude: One can prosper in the allotted work only if he is able to cope up with the stress. Or you can also select a fulfilling career which is less stressful to have satisfaction in your career life.
  • Soft skills: You must be aware about your soft skills as they have the central role in your career. 

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  • Course availability and relevance: Before applying to the institutions, you must check if the course you are interested in is available or not. 
  • Availability of funds: You must check the scholarships and financial aids available at the college if you are not financially strong.
  • Market Availability: Select a career that offers numerous job opportunities with high salary packages.

Thus, the Brainwonders DMIT is here with the solution, The U.S. patented Brain Mapping test comprehensively understands the inborn profile of a person, shedding light on personality, multiple intelligence, learning styles, brain dominance and thorough career guidance followed by expert psychological counselling.

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It actually takes precedence over any Psychometric test like Aptitude and IQ provided by Brainwonders as the report scientifically cuts across social pressures, environmental influences, presence/ absence of opportunities and circumstances to understand the aptitude, interests, competence, appropriate developmental methods and guides the individual to realize their true potential and streamline their focus to prepare for the right job! Thus, what one gets is the most unbiased, pristine and accurate professional guidance to make themselves shine!

Get the right Guidance to leap through your Career

Let the best team of psychologists and career counsellors help you achieve your dream career!

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