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What is the Full Form of UPSC? All About UPSC Exam

06 January,2024  |  By Brainwonders


Full form of UPSC?

The full form of UPSC is Union Public Service Commission. It is one of India's most prestigious and major exam-conducting authorities, responsible for conducting some of the toughest exams in the country. The UPSC conducts various examinations to recruit eligible candidates for positions within the Indian Government.

One of the key exams conducted by UPSC is the Civil Services Examination (CSE), commonly known as the IAS examination. The CSE is held in two phases: the preliminary examination, which is objective-based, and the main examination, which is descriptive and includes essay writing.

In addition to the IAS, the UPSC is responsible for conducting exams for other significant posts, such as the Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and more.

Union Public Service Commission History

In 1923, the Royal Commission on Superior Civil Services was established under the chairmanship of Lord Lee of Fareham. This commission included an equal number of Indian and British members. The Public Service Commission was established in 1924 based on the commission's recommendations.

Key recommendations of the Lee Commission included:

  • 40% of future recruits should be British.
  • 40% of recruits should be Indians directly.
  • 20% of Indians should be promoted from provincial services.

The first Public Service Commission was established on October 1, 1926, under Sir Ross Barker's chairmanship. Initially, it served a limited advisory role without significant power. However, the Government of India Act 1935 transformed the Federal Public Service Commission into the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Post-independence, on January 26, 1950, it became the UPSC we know today.

Examination conducted by UPSC

  1. Civil Services Examination (CSE).
  2. Engineering Services Examination (ESE).
  3. Indian Forestry Services Examination (IFoS).
  4. Central Armed Police Forces Examination (CAPF).
  5. Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service (IES/ISS).
  6. Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination.
  7. Combined Medical Services (CMS).
  8. Special Class Railway Apprentices Exam (SCRA).
  9. Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for selection of Assistant Commandant. (Executive) in CISF.

What are the exams conducted by UPSC for selection into defence services?

  1. National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination – NDA & NA (I).
  2. National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination – NDA & NA (II).
  3. Combined Defense Services Exam – CDS (I).
  4. Combined Defense Services Exam – CDS (II).

What are the UPSC Exam Dates?

UPSC 2025

Details of important dates related to this exam are provided in the table below. 

Event Date
UPSC Exam Calendar 2025 25th May 2025
UPSC 2025 exam notification 22nd January 2025
UPSC 2025 exam application form 22nd January to 11th February 2025
UPSC 2025 admit card To be released
UPSC 2025 Civil Services Prelims exam 25th May 2025
UPSC 2025 Civil Services Mains exam 22nd August 2025

UPSC Exam: What is the UPSC Civil Services Examination?

All the IAS officers are recruited across the country by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam, also known as one of the toughest competitive exams in the WorldWorld. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) works under article 324 of the Indian Constitution, which conducts this exam. 

UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE) consists of 3 stages. The stages are:
  1. Preliminary Exam (objective)
  2. Main Exam (written)
  3. Interview (personality test)

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How to prepare for UPSC CSE?

  • Read the syllabus thoroughly and understand the pattern: In order to ensure that the exam covers the entirety of the syllabus, it is advisable to divide the content into easy, medium, and difficult levels. This will allow coaches to offer different levels of instruction each day in order to complete the entire list. Additionally, it would be beneficial to have a contingency plan in case a part of the syllabus is not covered by the end of the teaching period.
  • Use Limited Sources and Previous Year Question Papers: In order to ensure academic success, students should focus on one or two relevant sources that have been predetermined by experienced students and aspirants. In addition, they should review the prior year's questions in order to acquire a greater understanding of the syllabus. By following this regimented approach, students can maximise their chances for achievement.
  • Newspapers: Passing the UPSC exams requires dynamic preparation. To stay on top of current affairs and to make notes of them, daily newspaper reading habits must be cultivated. Additionally, monthly current affairs compilation from reliable coaching institutes should also be regularly updated in candidates’ notes. It is indispensable that these steps are undertaken with a professional approach for successful outcome.
  • Aptitude test (CSAT Paper II Prelims): This test covers a range of topics such as English comprehension, mental ability, logical reasoning, data interpretation and more. These topics represent 33% of the total marks in the exam. In order to maximise success, it is important to understand the scope and importance of each topic and adequately prepare one's skills accordingly.
  • Diet and Sleep: In order to ensure proper health during exams, it is vital for students to consume a balanced diet and get at least 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep each night. Developing a good nutrition and sleep routine will help them stay focused and alert while studying.
  • Don't waver: Candidates must be dedicated and determined to reach their goal of becoming an IAS officer. They must have the mental fortitude to persevere and work hard towards achieving their dream. It is essential that candidates remain focused and committed to reaching their final destination.
  • Mock Tests: Candidates preparing for UPSC examinations should consistently give mock tests and evaluate their answer sheets. Writing an exam in a simulated environment is essential to successful preparation, as it enables a candidate to identify weaknesses, rectify errors and improve examination performance. 
  • Stay calm: Candidates need to remain calm during the examination and strive for equanimity. Stressful situations can lead to increased anxiety and hinder performance, so it is paramount that candidates are able to manage tension in order to achieve success.

Recommended Read: Know more in detail about UPSC CAPF – Central Armed Police Force Exam

What is the UPSC Syllabus for Civil Services Exam?

There are 3 stages in the UPSC Civil Services Exam – (1) Preliminary Exam (Objective Test) (2) Main Exam (Written Test) (3) Personality Test (Interview).

Prelims – The Civil Services Preliminary exam comprises two compulsory papers of 200 marks each (General Studies Paper-I and General Studies Paper-II). The questions will be of multiple-choice, objective type. The marks in prelims will not be counted for final ranking, but just for qualification for the main exam.

Mains – The written examination (main) will consist of nine papers, but only 7 papers will be counted for the final merit ranking. For the remaining two papers, the candidate should secure minimum marks prescribed by the commission each year.

Interview – The candidate will be interviewed by a Board who will have before them a record of his/her career. He/she will be asked questions on matters of general interest.

NOTE:  The marks scored in preliminary exams are not counted in the final list of Selections. 

Also Read: Know more in detail about UPSC – Union Public Service Commission

What is the UPSC age limit for the IAS Exam?

Candidates must be between 21 and 32 years old on August 1st, 2023 in order to be eligible for consideration.

Category Upper Age Limit for UPSC Maximum Number of Attempts
General  32 6
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) 32 6
OBC  35 9
SC/ST  37 Unlimited
Defence Services Personnel  35 9
Persons with benchmark disability 35 9

What is the educational requirement to attempt the UPSC CSE?

In order to be eligible for the Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Exam, an applicant must possess a graduate degree from an accredited university.

Can I clear UPSC Civil Service Exam by self-study?

Self-study is a viable approach to prepare for the UPSC CSE exam, but it is highly recommended that candidates seek out guidance and utilise accurate resources in order to maximise their success. 

Additionally, constructing a strict timetable which allows for efficient yet focused learning can save both time and money while preparing for the exam.

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How to prepare for the UPSC Exam: Importance of Techniques

Every candidate starts with a long-term strategy and proper guidance followed by a goal-oriented approach towards the exam. The students must start preparing for the exam year before the exam date. IAS exam deflection personality and hard work of the candidate rather than all the exam's verbal, written, and personality tests. While preparing for the exam, every student must remember that it is not about the hours they donate to study; it is all about how much they can retain the topics in their mind. Further, the candidates can choose the best institute to prepare for, along with the hard work for their exam.

Which are the recommended books for UPSC Exams?

Apart from NCERT Books (Class 6-12), 10-15 standard reference textbooks are recommended for UPSC preparation.

Some of the best-selling books are:

  1. Indian Polity – by M. Laxmikanth
  2. Important Acts that Transformed India – by Alex Andrews George
  3. Important Judgments that Transformed India – by Alex Andrews George
  4. Indian Art and Culture – by Nitin Singhania
  5. Ancient and Medieval India – by Poonam Dalal Dahiya
  6. Modern Indian History – by Sonali Bansal and Snehil Tripathi
  7. Certificate Physical And Human Geography – by Goh Cheng Leong
  8. Geography of India – by Majid Husain
  9. Oxford Student Atlas for India
  10. Indian Economy – by Ramesh Singh
  11. Indian Economy – by Nitin Singhania
  12. Science and Technology – by Ravi P. Agrahari
  13. Environment and Ecology –by Vaishali Anand
  14. International Relations – by Pavneet Singh
  15. Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude – by Niraj Kumar

Recommended Read: TOP 10 Toughest Exams in the World to Crack.

Should I take Online Mock Exams for IAS Exam?

Yes, You must give online mock exams. These exams will help you know how much syllabus you have covered and how much revision is still required.

How much advance preparation is needed before the Prelims?

The IAS exam requires a lot of hardworking dedication from the candidate. A detailed strategy for covering all the subjects and identifying your strengths and weaknesses to prioritise things accordingly must be kept in mind before preparing for the exam. Apart from the minimum sleep of 6 to 7 hours with a well maintained balanced diet including dry fruits must be kept in mind. The candidate's must stick to their schedules instead of procrastinating. The position of an IAS is well reputed in our society and their huge respect. A part of various benefits IAS officers also get a huge opportunity to serve the nation and bring the changes which give some a huge satisfaction for becoming a change agent. Every candidate must put in all the hard work and dedication and two people on their exam to become an IAS officer.

Find Out: Best 20+ Central Government Exams after Your Graduation

How to file the UPSC Online Application?

Once the application window for an exam opens (usually in Feb for UPSC CSE), you can apply online. There is a website for UPSC online applications –

Where can I check the UPSC Exam Results?

Results of all exams conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (as well as notifications for future exams) will be published on the homepage of the official website itself.

Interesting Facts about Union Public Service Commission

  • The Commission consists of a maximum of 11 members, including the Chairman.
  • The Union Public Service Commission was established under Article 315 of the Constitution of India.
  • The Commission traces its origin to the first Public Services Commission established in 1926 and the Federal Public Services Commission established in 1935.
  • Union Public Service Commission conducts exams to recruit candidates for both civil services as well as defence services.

Are you unsure if pursuing a career in the (UPSC) is the right choice for your child? Then our Brain Wonders team can help. We offer professional guidance to assess what path is best suited for your child's needs and goals. With our personalised approach, we strive to provide the support needed to ensure a successful career journey.

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