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VITEEE Exam 2024- Dates, Application Form (Out), Mock Test, Admit Card, Result, Cut Off, Counselling, Merit List

12 March,2024  |  By Brainwonders


About VITEEE 2024

The VITEEE 2024 mock test is now available online, released by VIT University. Registration for VITEEE 2024 will close on March 30. The updated link for the VIT application form 2024 can be found at Additionally, VITEEE exam dates for 2024 can be checked online. The VIT entrance exam is scheduled from April 19 to 30. Applicants must have obtained a minimum aggregate of 55% in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology in their qualifying exams (45% for reserved categories) to be eligible for VITEEE 2024.

VITEEE 2024 Highlights

Full Exam Name VIT Engineering Entrance Exam
Short Exam Name VITEEE
Conducting Body Vellore Institute of Technology
Frequency of Conduct Once a year
Exam Level University Level Exam
Languages English
Mode of Application Online
Application Fee (General) 1350 Rs [Online]
Mode of Exam Online
Mode of Counselling Offline
Participating Colleges 4
Exam Duration 2 Hours 30 Minutes

VITEEE 2024 Important Dates

Upcoming Dates and Events
01 Nov, 2023 - 30 Mar, 2024 Application | Mode: Online Ongoing
19 Apr, 2024 - 30 Apr, 2024 (Tentative) Exam | Mode: Online

VITEEE 2024 Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for VITEEE 2024 has been published on the official website of VIT University. Prospective candidates are advised to review the eligibility criteria before proceeding with their application for the VIT engineering entrance exam 2024. According to the VITEEE eligibility criteria 2024, Indian nationals, NRIs, and foreign nationals are all eligible to take the VITEEE entrance exam 2024. Below outlines the comprehensive VIT eligibility criteria.

VITEEE Eligibility Criteria 2024

Particular Details
  • The applicant should be a Resident / Non Resident Indian National / PIO.

  • Foreign Candidates studying/studying abroad can apply directly through foreign category.

Age Limit Candidates whose date of birth falls on or after 1st July 2001 are eligible to apply for UG Engineering admission (UGEA) 2024. The date of birth as recorded in the High School / SSC / X Certificate will be considered authentic.
Qualifying Examination

Candidates applying for UG Engineering admission should have either completed or shall be appearing in 2024, in any one of the following qualifying examinations:

  • The final examination of the 10+2 system of Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the State Board; Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE, New Delhi), The Council for Indian School Certificate Examination (ISCE), New Delhi.

  • Intermediate or Two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by a recognized Board/ University.

  • High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University or International Baccalaureate Diploma of the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva.

  • General Certificate Education (GCE) examination (London/Cambridge/Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) level.

  • As per VIT Norms, Regular 'NIOS' board candidates are also eligible for Undergraduate Engineering programmes. Applicants should produce the Migration Cum Transfer Certificate at the time of joining.

  • They should also provide the marks secured in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and Total (including all subjects) and upload the scanned copy of the mark list and other relevant documents whenever available on the application form.

  • For Indian nationals/ NRI/ PIO card holders, appearance in VITEEE-23 is mandatory to be eligible for B. Tech. admission under regular mode (Applicants under International/NRI quota exempted) . In case VITEEE gets cancelled due to natural calamities, qualifying criteria may be substituted with higher secondary marks or JEE-22 or a valid SAT. Applicants will be informed with specifics in such case

Qualifying Examination Candidates applying for Undergraduate Engineering admission in 2024 should have secured a minimum aggregate of 55% in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology in the qualifying examination (+2/Intermediate).

VITEEE 2024 Question Paper

Students can access last year's VITEEE papers online. The institute will release subject-wise model papers and mock tests to help candidates familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and types of questions asked in the VITEEE entrance exam.

VITEEE 2024 Syllabus


Physics: Unit 01

Laws of motion and work, energy and power

Principles governing motion and concepts related to work, energy, and power, including the law of conservation of linear momentum and its practical applications. Topics such as static and kinetic friction, friction laws, rolling friction, and lubrication are covered. Additionally, the study encompasses the calculation of work done by both constant and variable forces, kinetic energy, the work-energy theorem, and power. The discussion extends to conservative forces, emphasizing the conservation of mechanical energy involving kinetic and potential energies. Non-conservative forces are explored, including motion in a vertical circle, as well as elastic and inelastic collisions in both one and two dimensions.

Physics: Unit 02

Properties of Matter

The study covers elastic properties, including the stress-strain relationship, Hooke's law, and parameters such as Young's modulus, bulk modulus, shear modulus of rigidity, Poisson's ratio, and elastic energy. It also includes viscosity, discussing concepts such as Stokes' law, terminal velocity, and different types of flow like streamline and turbulent flow, as well as the critical velocity. Furthermore, it delves into Bernoulli's theorem and its practical applications. The exploration extends to heat and temperature, encompassing topics such as thermal expansion in solids, specific heat capacities (Cp and Cv), and latent heat capacity. Additionally, qualitative aspects of blackbody radiation are discussed, including Wein's displacement law and Stefan's law.

Physics: Unit 03


The study encompasses the concept of charges and their conservation, including Coulomb’s law, which describes the forces between two-point electric charges, as well as the forces between multiple electric charges based on the superposition principle. It further explores the electric field, discussing properties such as electric field lines, electric field due to a point charge, and the behaviour of electric dipoles in uniform electric fields. The topic of electric potential is covered, including potential differences, electric potential due to both point charges and dipoles, and the concept of equipotential surfaces. Additionally, the discussion extends to electric flux, Gauss’s theorem, and its practical applications.

The study also includes electrostatic induction, capacitor theory, and capacitance, covering dielectric materials and electric polarization. It explores parallel plate capacitors with and without dielectric mediums and various capacitor applications. The energy stored in capacitors and their configurations in series and parallel are discussed. Finally, the curriculum touches on the action of points and Van de Graaff generators.

Physics: Unit 04

Current electricity

The curriculum covers electric current, focusing on the movement of charges within metallic conductors, and delves into concepts like drift velocity and mobility, elucidating their relationship with electric current. It also encompasses Ohm’s law, exploring electrical resistance, V-I characteristics, electrical resistivity, and conductivity. The classification of materials based on the conductivity is discussed, along with topics like carbon resistors, the colour code system for carbon resistors, and combinations of resistors in series and parallel configurations.

Furthermore, the study addresses the temperature dependence of resistance, internal resistance of cells, potential difference, and electromotive force (EMF) of cells. It examines combinations of cells in both series and parallel arrangements. Kirchoff’s law is explored, along with Wheatstone’s bridge and its application for measuring the temperature coefficient of resistance. The curriculum includes a discussion of the meter bridge, the special case of the Wheatstone bridge, and the potentiometer principle. Additionally, it involves methods for comparing the EMF of two cells.

Physics: Unit 05

Magnetic effects of electric current

The curriculum covers the magnetic effect of electric current, introduces the concept of a magnetic field, and discusses Oersted’s experiment. It further explores the Biot-Savart law, describing the magnetic field generated by an infinitely long current-carrying straight wire and a circular coil. The tangent galvanometer is examined in terms of its construction and operation.

Additionally, the study considers the bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid and explores magnetic field lines. Ampere’s circuital law is introduced along with its practical applications. The curriculum also delves into the forces acting on a moving charge in both uniform magnetic and electric fields, including the cyclotron phenomenon. The force exerted on a current-carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field, and the forces between two parallel current-carrying conductors are discussed. The concept of ampere is defined in this context.

Furthermore, the curriculum addresses the torque experienced by a current loop in a uniform magnetic field and explores the moving coil galvanometer, detailing its conversion into ammeters and voltmeters. The magnetic dipole moment of a current loop and its analogy to a magnetic dipole are discussed, along with the magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron.

Physics: Unit 06

Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents

The curriculum explores electromagnetic induction, discussing Faraday’s law, induced electromotive force (EMF), and current, as well as Lenz’s law. It covers concepts like self-induction and mutual induction, including a long solenoid's self-inductance and two long solenoids' mutual inductance.

Various methods of inducing EMF are examined, including changing magnetic induction, changing the area enclosed by the coil, and changing the orientation of the coil, with a quantitative treatment provided. The study includes A.C. generators, both in terms of their construction and their commercial applications and discusses single-phase and three-phase systems.

Eddy currents and their applications are explored, particularly in the context of transformers and long-distance transmission. The curriculum delves into alternating current (A.C.) measurements and A.C. circuits with resistance, inductance, and capacitance. LCR series circuits, resonance, and Q-factor are discussed, along with the power considerations in A.C. circuits.

Physics: Unit 07


The topics covered include:

  • The reflection of light via spherical mirrors involves the mirror formula.
  • Refraction of light, encompassing total internal reflection and its applications, optical fibres, refraction at spherical surfaces, lenses, the thin lens formula, and the lens maker’s formula.
  • Magnification is the power of a lens, a combination of thin lenses in contact, and the combination of a lens and a mirror.
  • Refraction and dispersion of light through a prism.
  • Scatterings of light, such as the blue colour of the sky and the reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset.
  • Wavefront and Huygens’s principle explores reflection, total internal reflection, and refraction of a plane wave at a plane surface using wavefronts.
  • Interference, including Young’s double slit experiment, the expression for fringe width, coherent sources, interference of light, formation of colours in thin films, and Newton’s rings.
  • Diffraction highlights differences between interference and diffraction of light and the concept of diffraction grating.
  • Polarization of light waves, covering polarisation by reflection, Brewster’s law, double refraction, Nicol prism, uses of plane polarised light and polaroids, rotatory polarisation, and polarimeter.

Physics: Unit 08

Dual nature of radiation and atomic physics

The topics covered include:

  • Electromagnetic waves and their properties, the electromagnetic spectrum, the photoelectric effect, light waves and photons, Einstein’s photoelectric equation, the laws governing photoelectric emission, the particle nature of light, and the applications of photocells.
  • Atomic structure, encompassing the discovery of the electron, determination of specific charge (using Thomson’s method) and the electron's charge (via Millikan’s oil drop method), alpha scattering, and Rutherford’s model of the atom.

Physics: Unit 09

Nuclear physics

The topics discussed include:

  • Nuclear properties such as nuclear radii, masses, binding energy, density, charge, isotopes, isobars, and isotones, alongside concepts like nuclear mass defect, binding energy, and the stability of nuclei, with reference to tools like the Bainbridge mass spectrometer.
  • It is understanding the nature of nuclear forces, including the discovery and properties of neutrons, artificial transmutation, and the use of particle accelerators.
  • Exploration of radioactivity, covering alpha, beta, and gamma radiations, their properties, the radioactive decay law, concepts like half-life and mean life, artificial radioactivity, and the effects and uses of radioisotopes, with instruments like the Geiger-Muller counter.
  • Radiocarbon dating is a method for determining the age of organic materials.
  • Study of nuclear fission, chain reactions, atomic bombs, nuclear reactors, nuclear fusion, hydrogen bombs, cosmic rays, and elementary particles.

Physics: Unit 10

Semiconductor devices and their applications
  • Fundamentals of semiconductors encompassing the energy band structure in solids and distinguishing between metals, insulators, and semiconductors, along with semiconductor doping and the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.
  • Understanding the formation of P-N Junctions, including the concepts of barrier potential and depletion layers, and the applications of P-N Junction diodes, such as their forward and reverse bias characteristics, their use as rectifiers, Zener diodes, Zener diodes as voltage regulators, and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs).
  • Examination of junction transistors, including their characteristics and their roles as switches, amplifiers, and oscillators.
  • Introduction to logic gates, including NOT, OR, AND, and EXOR gates using discrete components, NAND and NOR gates as universal gates, De Morgan’s theorem, and the laws and theorems of Boolean algebra.


Chemistry: Unit 01

Atomic structure
  • Bohr’s atomic model and Sommerfeld’s extension of atomic structure, encompassing electronic configuration and quantum numbers, the shapes of s, p, d, and f orbitals, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Hund’s Rule of maximum multiplicity, and the Aufbau principle.
  • Examine emission and absorption spectra, including line and band spectra, the hydrogen spectrum, and the Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett, and Pfund series. Additionally, De-Broglie’s theory, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, the wave nature of electrons, and the Schrodinger wave equation are discussed (without derivation).
  • Introduction to eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.
  • Exploration of hybridization of atomic orbitals involving s, p, and d orbitals.

Chemistry: Unit 02

p, d, and f-block elements
  • P-block elements, focusing on phosphorus compounds, including PCl₃, PCl₅, and oxides.
  • Hydrogen halides and interhalogen compounds.
  • Compounds of xenon fluoride.
  • General characteristics of d-block elements include their electronic configuration, oxidation states of first-row transition elements, and their associated colours.
  • Occurrence and extraction principles of copper, silver, gold, and zinc.
  • Preparation and properties of CuSO₄, AgNO₃, and K₂Cr₂O₇.
  • Introduction to lanthanides, covering their electronic configuration, general characteristics, oxidation states, lanthanide contraction, uses, and a brief comparison between lanthanides and actinides.

Chemistry: Unit 03

Coordination chemistry and solid-state chemistry

The topics covered in this section include:

  • Introduction to coordination chemistry, terminology, and IUPAC nomenclature for mononuclear coordination compounds
  • Isomerism, focusing on geometrical isomerism in 4-coordinate and 6-coordinate complexes
  • Theories regarding coordination compounds, including a brief overview of Werner’s theory and valence bond theory
  • Various uses of coordination compounds
  • Examination of bioinorganic compounds such as Haemoglobin and chlorophyll
  • Discussion on lattice, unit cell, crystal systems, types of crystals, and packing in solids, including ionic crystals and imperfections like point defects
  • Overview of X-ray diffraction, electrical properties, and elementary concepts related to amorphous solids

Chemistry: Unit 04

Thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics
Vector algebra

This section covers:

  • Scalar product, including the angle between two vectors, properties of the scalar product, and its applications.
  • Vector product, exploring right-handed and left-handed systems, properties of the vector product, and applications of the cross product.
  • Product of three vectors, encompassing scalar triple product, its properties, vector triple product, vector product of four vectors, and scalar product of four vectors.

Mathematics: Unit 05

Analytical geometry of three dimensions

This section addresses:

  • Direction cosines and direction ratios, including methods for determining the equation of a straight line passing through a given point and parallel to a given line, as well as passing through two given points. It also explores the angle between two lines.
  • Planes, including methods for determining the equation of a plane passing through a given point and perpendicular to a line, given the distance from the origin and the unit normal, as well as passing through a given point and parallel to two given lines. Additionally, it covers determining the equation of a plane passing through two given points and parallel to a given line, passing through three given non-collinear points, passing through the line of intersection of two given planes, and calculating the distance between a point and a plane. It also discusses the co-planarity of lines, and the angle between a line and a plane.
  • Skew lines, the shortest distance between two lines, conditions for two lines to intersect, determination of the point of intersection, and collinearity of three points.
  • Spheres, including methods for determining the equation of a sphere given its center and radius, as well as the equation of a sphere when the extremities of the diameter are given.

Mathematics: Unit 06

Differential calculus

This section covers:

  • Limits, continuity, and differentiability of functions, with the derivative interpreted as a rate of change, velocity, and acceleration. It includes discussions on related rates and the derivative's role in determining slope, tangent lines, normals, and the angle between curves.
  • Fundamental theorems such as the Mean Value Theorem, Rolle’s Theorem, and Lagrange Mean Value Theorem are explored. Additionally, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series, L’Hospital’s rule, and the concept of stationary points are discussed, along with the determination of increasing, decreasing, maxima, minima, concavity, convexity, and points of inflection.
  • Error analysis and approximations, including absolute, relative, and percentage errors, are addressed. The concept of curve tracing, partial derivatives, and Euler’s theorem are also covered.

Mathematics: Unit 07

Integral calculus and its applications

This section encompasses:

  • Basic definite integrals, including the fundamental theorems of calculus and properties associated with definite integrals.
  • Utilization of reduction formulae, particularly for integrals involving trigonometric functions such as ∫sin^n(x) dx and ∫cos^n(x) dx, as well as the application of Bernoulli’s formula.
  • Determination of the area of bounded regions and the length of curves.

Mathematics: Unit 08

Differential equations

This section covers:

  • Introduction to differential equations, including methods for forming them and understanding their order and degree. It delves into solving first-order differential equations using techniques such as variable separable, homogeneous, and linear equations, along with various applications.
  • Exploration of second-order linear differential equations, specifically those with constant coefficients. It includes methods for finding particular integrals when the given function is in the form of e^mx, sin(mx), cos(mx), x, or x^2.

Mathematics: Unit 09

Probability distributions

This section encompasses:

  • Introduction to probability theory, including its axioms, addition law, conditional probability, multiplicative law, and Bayes’ theorem.
  • Discussion on random variables, probability density functions, distribution functions, mathematical expectation, and variance.
  • Exploration of theoretical probability distributions, covering both discrete distributions such as binomial and Poisson distributions, and continuous distributions such as the normal distribution.

Mathematics: Unit 10

Discrete mathematics

This section covers:

  • Fundamental concepts in mathematics including functions, relations, and sequences and series, encompassing arithmetic progressions (A.P.), geometric progressions (G.P.), harmonic progressions (H.P.), and the binomial theorem. It also includes an introduction to basic counting principles.
  • Introduction to mathematical logic, covering logical statements, connectives, truth tables, logical equivalence, tautology, and contradiction.
  • Introduction to group theory, including discussions on binary operations, semigroups, monoids, and groups. It explores concepts such as the order of a group, the order of an element, and various properties of groups.

Biology: Unit 01


This section addresses:

  • The rationale behind classification in biology, highlighting the three domains of life.
  • Various systems of classification including Linnaean, Whittaker, Bentham, and Hooker.
  • Key characteristics and classification of non-chordates up to phyla levels and chordates up to class levels.
  • Examination of morphology and anatomy of flowering plants.
  • Structural organization in insects, focusing on the example of the cockroach.

Biology: Unit 02

Cell and molecular biology

This section encompasses:

  • The fundamental principles of cell theory.
  • Examination of prokaryotic cells and their ultrastructure.
  • Detailed analysis of eukaryotic cells, including their components such as cell wall, cell membrane, cytoskeleton, nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, ribosomes, lysosomes, vacuoles, and centrosomes.
  • Study of the cell cycle and division processes, covering amitosis, mitosis, and meiosis.
  • Investigation into the search for genetic material, including the structure of DNA and RNA, and the processes of replication, transcription, translation, splicing, gene expression and regulation (such as the lac operon), and DNA repair.

Biology: Unit 03


This section covers:

  • Various forms of asexual reproduction including binary fission, sporulation, budding, gemmule formation, and fragmentation.
  • Mechanisms of vegetative propagation in plants, alongside sexual reproduction in flowering plants, including the structure of flowers.
  • Processes of pollination, fertilization, seed and fruit development, seed dispersal, and phenomena such as apomixis, parthenocarpy, and poly-embryony.
  • Overview of the human reproductive system, including both male and female anatomy and physiology.
  • Processes such as gametogenesis, the menstrual cycle, fertilization, implantation, embryo development up to blastocyst formation, pregnancy, parturition, and lactation.
  • Discussion on assisted reproductive technologies, which includes various medical procedures and interventions to assist in reproduction.

Biology: Unit 04

Genetics and evolution

This section encompasses:

  • Chromosomes: exploring their structure, various types, mechanisms of linkage, crossing over, recombination, and discussing mutations and chromosomal aberrations.
  • Mendelian inheritance principles, along with the chromosomal theory of inheritance. It also examines deviations from Mendelian ratios such as incomplete dominance, co-dominance, multiple allelism, and pleiotropy. Additionally, it covers sex-linked inheritance and sex determination in humans.
  • Evolutionary theories including Darwinism and neo-Darwinism, as well as Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium principle and factors influencing it such as selection, mutation, migration, and random genetic drift.

Biology: Unit 05

Human health and diseases

This section covers:

  • Pathogens and parasites responsible for human diseases, including malaria, dengue, chikungunya, filariasis, ascariasis, typhoid, pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, and ringworm, as well as strategies for their control.
  • Essential principles in immunology, encompassing vaccines, antibiotics, cancer, and HIV/AIDS.
  • Considerations related to adolescence, including issues such as drug and alcohol abuse.

Biology: Unit 06


This section covers:

  • The structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
  • Enzymes, including their types, properties, and mechanisms of action.
  • Metabolic processes such as glycolysis, fermentation, the Krebs cycle, and the pentose phosphate pathway.

Biology: Unit 07

Plant physiology

This section encompasses:

  • The transportation of water, food, nutrients, gases, and minerals within organisms.
  • Various mechanisms of transport including passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport.
  • Processes such as imbibition, osmosis, apoplast and symplast transport, and guttation.
  • Discussion on macro and micronutrients, along with their associated deficiency symptoms.
  • Biological processes such as transpiration, photosynthesis (both light and dark reactions), and the electron transport chain.
  • The role of hormones and growth regulators, alongside concepts like photoperiodism and vernalization.
  • Overview of the nitrogen cycle and biological nitrogen fixation

Biology: Unit 08

Human physiology

This section encompasses:

  • Processes such as digestion and absorption, breathing and respiration, circulation of body fluids, function of the excretory system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, and the skeletal and muscular systems.
  • Concepts related to locomotion and movement, growth, aging, and mortality.
  • Discussion on hormones, including their types, functions, and associated disorders.

Biology: Unit 09

Biotechnology and its applications

This section covers:

  • Recombinant DNA technology, exploring its applications in health, agriculture, and industries, including the production of genetically modified organisms. It discusses examples such as human insulin, vaccines, and antibiotics.
  • Examination of stem cell technology and gene therapy.
  • Considerations related to apiculture and animal husbandry.
  • Topics such as plant breeding, tissue culture, single-cell protein production, fortification, Bt crops, and transgenic animals.
  • Utilization of microbes in various processes including food processing, sewage treatment, waste management, and energy generation.
  • Discussion on biocontrol agents and biofertilizers.
  • Consideration of biosafety issues, biopiracy, and patents.
  • Overview of the human and rice genome projects, as well as DNA fingerprinting techniques.

Biology: Unit 10

Biodiversity, ecology and environment

This section encompasses:

  • Ecosystems: Exploring their components, various types, including pyramids, nutrient cycles (such as carbon and phosphorus cycles), ecological succession, and energy flow. Additionally, it discusses biodiversity concepts, patterns, importance, conservation efforts, including hot spots, endangered organisms, extinction, and the Red Data Book.
  • Ecosystems: Discussing biodiversity in botanical gardens, national parks, sanctuaries, museums, biosphere reserves, and Ramsar sites.
  • Environmental Issues: Addressing pollution and methods for its control, solid and radioactive waste management, the impact of climate change, and strategies for mitigation. Additionally, it covers population attributes such as growth, birth and death rates, and age distribution.

VITEEE 2024 Preparation Tips

Candidates preparing for the VITEEE 2024 exam need a well-defined strategy to excel. It's crucial for VIT aspirants to devise study plans and adhere to them meticulously to achieve high ranks in the VITEEE. Here, you can find effective preparation tips for the VITEEE 2024 exam:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the VITEEE 2024 syllabus and exam pattern. Understand the important topics, types of questions, number of questions, marking scheme, and other relevant details.
  2. Create a study timetable, allocating time for each subject and dividing topics based on their difficulty levels. Prioritize challenging and weaker sections/topics, dedicating more time to them.
  3. Regularly practice VITEEE mock tests to enhance time management skills and accuracy during the exam.
  4. Select the best books that comprehensively cover the syllabus and align with your learning style.
  5. Take thorough notes while studying. These notes will serve as valuable resources during revision sessions.

Student Appearing Vs Seat Available

Year Student Appeared Seats Available
2019 None None

VITEEE 2024 Exam Pattern

The examination pattern for VITEEE 2024 has been unveiled by VIT Vellore, along with the official notification brochure available at VITEEE (VIT Engineering Entrance Exam) is conducted in a computer-based format by the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) for admission to various undergraduate engineering courses offered by the institute. The VITEEE exam pattern outlines essential details such as the mode of examination, duration, sections, and marking scheme. It is imperative for aspirants intending to take the VITEEE 2024 entrance test to thoroughly review and comprehend the paper pattern. Below is the outlined examination pattern for VITEEE:

VITEEE 2024 Exam Pattern

Particulars VITEEE Exam pattern
Examination Mode Online - Computer Based Test
Duration of Exam 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Mathematics - 40 Questions

  • Physics - 35 Questions

  • Chemistry - 35 Questions

  • Aptitude - 10 Questions

  • English - 5 Questions

Type of Questions Objective - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Total Number of Questions 125 questions
Marking Scheme For each correct response, one mark will be awarded
Negative Marking There is no provision for negative marking in VITEEE 2024

VITEEE 2024 Mock Test

VIT Vellore has launched the VITEEE 2024 mock test online. Aspirants preparing for the VITEEE 2024 entrance examination are encouraged to utilize the VITEEE mock test 2024, accessible at No login credentials are necessary to access the VITEEE mock test. This mock test offers candidates an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the format of the actual entrance exam. By solving the VITEEE mock test, candidates can gain insights into the pattern and difficulty level of the entrance examination

How to access the VITEEE Mock test?

To access the VITEEE 2024 mock test, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of VITEEE at
  2. Click on the link for VIT Mock Test login.
  3. Proceed by clicking on the sign-in tab. No login credentials are necessary.
  4. Read the displayed instructions carefully and click on confirm to proceed.
  5. You will be redirected to the VITEEE 2024 mock test, where you can begin attempting the test.

VITEEE 2024 Admit Card

VIT Vellore will issue the VITEEE 2024 admit card online right after the completion of the VITEEE exam 2024 slot booking process. The admit card will contain crucial information such as the exam date and time, reporting time, venue, candidate's roll number, etc. It's important for candidates to note that entry to the examination hall will not be permitted without the VITEEE hall ticket. Therefore, candidates must carry the VITEEE 2024 admit card along with a valid photo identity proof.

How to download VITEEE Admit Card 2024?

Candidates should adhere to the following steps to obtain the VITEEE 2024 admit card:

  1. Navigate to the official website of VIT at
  2. Log in to the candidates portal using the VITEEE 2024 application number and password.
  3. Complete the VITEEE slot booking process.
  4. The admit card will be accessible for download in the final step.
  5. Download and print the admit card for the VITEEE exam 2024.
  6. Ensure to review the admit card for any inaccuracies or errors and promptly notify the authorities if necessary.

Details Mentioned on the VITEEE 2024 Admit Card

The VITEEE 2024 admit card contains the following details:

  • Candidate's name
  • Course and Subject
  • Application number
  • Exam Centre Address
  • Date and Time of the exam
  • Scanned photograph of the candidate

VITEEE 2024 Slot Booking

Candidates who have completed the VIT application form 2024 will have the opportunity to schedule slots for the VITEEE entrance exam 2024. The VITEEE slot booking 2024 will be facilitated through the Online Test Booking System (OTBS), with the slot booking date to be announced shortly. The slot booking for VITEEE 2024 will commence as soon as possible, as slots are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Slot booking enables candidates to select their preferred time and VITEEE exam date 2024, facilitating the generation of their admit cards for the exam.

How to book a slot for VITEEE 2024?

To proceed with slot booking for VITEEE 2024, aspirants need to follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the official website and access the candidates portal using their VITEEE 2024 application number and password.
  2. Choose their preferred VITEEE 2024 exam date and time.
  3. After selecting the preferred options, candidates should review their details before finalizing the save.
  4. Upon successful completion of slot booking, the VITEEE 2024 admit card will be generated.

VITEEE 2024 Exam Centers

State City
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Port Blair
Andhra Pradesh













Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar









Chandigarh Chandigarh




Delhi New Delhi
Goa Goa










Himachal Pradesh



Jammu and Kashmir

















Madhya Pradesh















Manipur Imphal
Meghalaya Shillong
Mizoram Aizawl
Nagaland Dimapur




Puducherry Puducherry












Sikkim Gangtok
Tamil Nadu

















Tripura Agartala
Uttar Pradesh




















West Bengal 






Documents Required at Exam

  • VITEEE 2024 admit card
  • Valid photo ID proof

VITEEE 2024 Result

VIT Vellore will announce the VITEEE 2024 result online on the official website Candidates who have taken the VIT exam can view their VITEEE results on the official website. To access the results, candidates need to log in to the official website using the VIT BTech 2024 application number and password.

The VIT 2024 results will be determined based on the marks obtained by candidates in the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics sections. The authorities will employ the Equipercentile Equating procedure to calculate the VITEEE 2024 result. Qualified candidates will then be invited to participate in the counselling and seat allotment process for VITEEE 2024.

How to check VITEEE Result 2024

To download the VITEEE result 2024, candidates should follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. Click on the link for results related to B.Tech courses.
  3. Enter the application number and password.
  4. Click on the 'Submit' button.
  5. The VITEEE result will be displayed on the screen.

Candidates will find the following details in VITEEE 2024 rank card:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Application Number
  • Gender of the candidate
  • Score obtained
  • Rank obtained

VITEEE 2024 Counselling Centers

State City
Tamil Nadu



Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
Andhra Pradesh Amaravathi

Documents Required at Counselling

  • VITEEE 2024 admit card
  • VITEEE 2024 counselling call letter
  • VITEEE 2024 result
  • 10th standard certificate (as a proof of age)
  • 10+2 (or equivalent) qualifying examination mark sheet
  • Category certificate (if applicable)
  • Demand draft for Rs 50,000 drawn in favour of ‘VIT University’, payable at Vellore.
  • Copy of Aadhaar card
  • Student profile
  • Undertaking form
  • Migration certificate
  • Transfer certificate

VITEEE 2024 Books

Students are advised to consult the following recommended books for the VITEEE entrance exam 2024. These books comprehensively cover all the topics and chapters included in the entrance exam.

Best VITEEE Maths Books 2024

Book Name Author
Target VITEEE Disha Experts
Degree level Differential Calculus A Das Gupta
Problems in Calculus of One Variable I.A. Maron
Higher Algebra Hall and Knight
Objective Mathematics R.D. Sharma

Best VITEEE Physics Books 2024

Book Name Author
Understanding Physics Series DC Pandey
Concept of Physics H.C.Verma
Problems in General Physics I.E.Irodov
Objective Physics DC Pandey and Arihant team
A Problem Book in Physics for IIT JEE D.C. Pandey

Best VITEEE Chemistry Books 2024

Book Name Author
Textbook for Class XI & XII NCERT
Target VITEEE Disha Experts
Handbook of Chemistry R.P. Singh
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations R. C. Mukherjee
Organic Chemistry O. P. Tandon & Morrison Boyd

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What after completion of VITEEE 2024 application form?

Ans: After completing the VITEEE 2024 application form, candidates must proceed to apply for slot booking, during which they will select their preferred date and time for the exam.

Q2: What is the VITEEE 2024 exam date?

Ans: The dates scheduled for the VITEEE 2024 exam are April 19th to April 20th, 2024.

Q3: If the VIT entrance was cancelled, then on what basis were engineering admissions done in the last year?

Ans: Admissions to the B.Tech program will be determined by the merit in particular subjects from the qualifying examination, which could be either class 12 or intermediate, depending on the context.

Q4: In what mode can I apply for VITEEE 2024?

Ans: To complete the VITEEE 2024 application form, you can utilize the online mode through the official website.

Q5: How do I select the date and time to appear in the entrance?

Ans: Registered candidates are granted the opportunity to reserve slots for the VITEEE within a designated timeframe. Given that the exam spans multiple days with various time slots available, candidates must make selections based on their preferences.

Q6: What are the documents required to carry at the VITEEE exam centre?

Ans: When appearing for the exam, candidates must bring both the VITEEE 2024 admit card and a valid photo identification proof.

Q7: Where can I find the VITEEE answer keys?

Ans: Vellore Institute of Technology never releases the official answer key for VITEEE.

Q8: What documents are a must to be taken at the exam centres?

Ans: Candidates must present the VITEEE 2024 admit card along with a valid photo identification proof when attending the exam.

Q9: Does VIT accept the JEE Main score?

Ans: No, JEE Main scores will not be taken into consideration by the authorities.

Q10: Can I get direct admissions into engineering at VITs without appearing in VITEEE?

Ans: No, candidates must participate in the entrance exam administered by the Vellore Institute of Technology to secure admission into the B.Tech program.

Q11: What are the VITEEE 2024 login credentials?

Ans: Candidates can access the VITEEE candidate portal by logging in with their application number and password.

Q12: Is there any negative marking in the VITEEE 2024 exam?

Ans: No, negative marking is not applicable in the VITEEE exam.

Q13: How to choose the VITEEE 2024 exam centres?

Ans: When completing the VITEEE 2024 application form, students will be required to select their preferred exam centers.

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