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How should you choose between Arts/Humanities Vs Commerce

16 October,2023  |  By brainwonders

Arts/Humanities Vs Commerce

Today education is a major factor in everyone’s life. We always search for the right education to pursue a job that could bring about a sense of achievement and satisfaction, enabling us to meet the demands of life. Parents are also concerned regarding the education and career choices of their children. The results of the 10th and 12th board exams have been released, students and parents often panic during this situation due to the uncertainty and doubt they face. Before making a choice, the student and their parents should have knowledge about different areas of study, so that you could make an informed choice.

Commerce and Humanities/Arts are two of the major areas one could find a career. After the 10th Board Exams, the students have a choice to take up their Higher Secondary in Commerce or Humanities. Commerce is a field related to the business industry wherein the studies are related to transport, trade, communications, economics etc. The subjects within the syllabus for higher secondary in Commerce would be Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy etc. whereas Humanities would deal with Economics, History, Politics, Geography etc. Humanities is more concerned with the ancestral activities of human beings as a species, such as how we survived, what are the activities that we developed, the formation of different cultures and how our ancestors have recorded and preserved them etc. It involves the study of music, art forms, literature etc. as well.

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As long as there is business and trade going on, the expertise in commerce is required to manage and take the trade into heights. Completing your higher secondary in commerce makes you eligible to a wide variety of courses such as Bachelors in economics, business administration, management courses, Commerce, chartered accountancy, actuarial science  etc. they are more commonly known by their abbreviations such as B.Com, BBA, B.A. Economics, C.A. etc. completing these courses you could opt for specific careers such as Economist, Statistician, Strategist, Risk analyst, Actuarian, Management etc. or opt out for higher studies such as M.B.A, Masters in Economics, Finance etc. the most famous colleges in which you could study these courses are Loyola College, Chennai, Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi, St. Xaviers College, Mumbai etc. While commerce is about different aspects of trading the humanities career prospects are more into people, humanities could be connected to business in terms of customer or client service.

They are more concerned about reaching into people, how people can be influenced, attracted to various services or products, etc. The job profiles would be that of Journalism and publishing, Advertising, Marketing, INternational Relations, Legal and Community Services etc. There is a wide range of courses to be taken up such as B.A. Literature, Bachelors in Mass Communication, Philosophy, Psychology, Legal studies etc. India’s top Arts Colleges are Christ College, St.Xaviers College, Kolkata, Presidency College, Kolkata, Symbiosis Society’s, Pune etc.

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While both streams have their own perks and opportunities, the choice may prove right or wrong to you based on your personality and interests. Some of the qualities and personality traits ideal for a career path in commerce are practical and critical thinking, assertiveness, leadership skills, interpersonal skills motivation etc. A student who is patient and persistent with their efforts, has a sense of adventure and ability to handle uncertainty, passion etc. would thrive in the arts and humanities area.

Choosing your career path is an important choice and it has to be right, but it need not be a difficult and messy one. The innate abilities when combined with your life experiences, it shapes your interests and capabilities. That’s where a career counselor could assist you. They have expertise to understand your personality, interests and capabilities and to assist you in one of the most crucial choices of your life. Make it right with the career counselors assistance at Brainwonders..!


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