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Is DMIT for Me?

DMIT Test for all

Toddlers (age 1-4)

From birth through about age three there are vast numbers of connections and collections being recorded in the brain.

Benefits of DMIT Analysis : Knowing a toddler's potentials at the early age help parents make decisions on parenting styles and educational methods.

Children (age 4-12)

From age three through twelve the brain begins to prune the excessive synapses in an attempt to get organized and eliminate what is not necessary.

Benefits of DMIT Analysis : At this age, Children are curious to learn and they can absorb more than they will when they grow older. Discovering their learning styles and areas of intelligences at this age gives a clue on what courses and activities they should spend more time on.

Teenagers & Young Adults (age 12-25)

The teenage years consist of more aggressive pruning as the brain begins to specialize and build an identity.

Benefits of DMIT Analysis : Discovering learning styles at this age can better enhance one's learning experience. It also serves as a guideline on what type of courses one should take.

Adult (age 25+)

Adulthood ushers in a bit of a pruning plateau, where some connections are diminished and others are enhanced.

Benefits of DMIT Analysis : Understanding one's areas of intelligences help an adult make decisions on careers. Understanding more about self can help adults communicate better and thus build better relationships. Employers can also apply dermatoglyphics analysis to find out the strength and weakness of their employees for position placement.

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Brainwonders 804 , 8th floor, Paras Business Center, Kasturba Carter Road No. 1, behind kasturba Police station, Borivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066