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The interest-aptitude test is a popular Career test. It is a Psychometric test based on Holland's Theory of Occupational Themes that is used by people to understand the developed talents and skills of an individual- providing a comprehensive individual profile. Many corporate firms have opted for the Interest-aptitude test for human resource recruitment, management and development and even for employee engagement programs.
Many CEOs and Business Leaders are already inculcating the Interest-Aptitude Career Test to recruit and manage the best employees and orient them towards national growth. The Interest-Aptitude Test solved several problems faced by a firm:
The process of recruitment is made easy and accurate as the profile mentioning strengths and weaknesses not only serves information about the candidate but also provides the recruiter with the target questions and enquiries for the candidate.
Many a times the recruiter looks beyond the qualifications on the resume and cover letter. The career test actually gives a SWOT profile which presents all the facets to the hiring firm. This is also beneficial to train and develop current employees.
The career-test results help the employer to explore the unseen potential of the employee. As the psychometric test is unbiased and scientifically structured- one is able to check for demand of the job and match it with the best employee.
The Brainwonders Interest-Aptitude Career Test is a proven profiling tool which comprehensively recognises growth patterns of an employee. The test not only sets, but tracks the progress allowing the firm to make evaluations and decisions towards the employee’s longevity.
As everyone has a different trait and SWOT profile, one-shoe-fits-all approach fails. Everyone has their own motivators, competencies and assets. Thus, one can have more targeted and productive steps taken to realistically create, promote and manage a brilliant team.
Every company look forward to investing in their employees for a holistic performance and development. Undesrtanding the needs of the employees via standardized Interest- Aptitude Test helps the company to take measured and accurate steps in the same direction.
Brainwonders provides the Interest-Aptitude Test in an online format as well. Thus, the career-test is easily available for corporate administration:
The organisation can choose to take up their own dashboard as well to oversee and manage the test process and candidate’s results.
The responses of the client on the interest-aptitude test is measured against the answer key.
The obtained scores are analysed to gain an understanding of the personal traits and competence
Brainwonders psychologist and counsellors provides the option for career counselling or corporate seminars to add further value to the test results
Take the first step towards fulfilling career!
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What is an Interest-Aptitude Test?
An Interest-aptitude test is a measurement of human interests and developmental areas leading to career decisions.
What are the advantages of an online Interest-Aptitude Test?
The Interest-Aptitude Test has been known to help in knowing one's likes, interests, areas of concern and provides a job profile.
What are the benefits of taking Brainwonders Interest-Aptitude Test?
The Interest-Aptitude test is mainly used to generate and guide a career profile for subject and course selection.
Can you take an Interest-Aptitude Test Online?
Yes! Brainwonders interest-aptitude test is available online for all age groups. One can register for and take the same via the Brainwonders Official Website.
How effective is an Online Interest-Aptitude Test?
The Brainwonders online interest-aptitude test is highly accurate and well researched which allows one to make career decisions quickly with complete understanding of future prospects.
What are the advantages of an Online Interest-Aptitude Test ?
Interest test is one of the most time-tested and reliable test when it comes to the field of education and career. From selecting a job to achieving success in it- the online effective test answers many life queries.