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and Parenting has never been easier!

Make the most of childhood with
Interest Test
Interest - Aptitude Test

Grab your Copy of Comprehensive

Career Opportunities Today!

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Institutes/ Schools


Teachers/ Educators


Students Tested


The interest test is a Psychometric Test that estimates a child’s abilities from different angles. It differentiates the numerous ranges of abilities and inclinations present in an individual. This gives an individual profile to comprehend the changing aspects, strengths and areas that require support and improvement.

Children can immensely benefit from the test as it helps one understand the overall competencies they are developing and thus the parents and mentors are able to guide them accordingly to explore various options.

Various preschools and schools, activity centres and academic organisations have opted for an Interest-Aptitude test to guide student’s academic development, growth and management.



The Interest-Aptitude Test draws its foundations in psychology and human development. As per the theories of intellectual development, intelligence is crystallized by the age of 16- and thus early exploration and analysis of one’s talents help in shaping and moulding it positively with better impact. Thus the Interest-Aptitude Test has the following advantages for toddlers, preschoolers and school students and also helps parents along the way:

School & board Selection
School & board Selection

The analysis allows the parents to understand which subjects are strong and which need guidance, helping the parents select the right school with the focussed curriculum.

Academic Development
Academic Development

One can not only understand, but also focus on the child’s development in different subjects and fields but also map the progress of the child.

Extracurricular Growth
Extracurricular Growth

It is an accepted fact that creativity, communication, sports and performing arts play a significant role for all-round development.

Multidimensional Profile
Multidimensional Profile

It is crucial to understand the child beyond the report card. The Interest-Aptitude Test is a great way to understand the SWOT profile of the child to map their interests, skills and understand where they are struggling.

Career Development Test
Career Development

As childhood is a sensitive age and that there is no substitute to early intervention, parents can start understanding how the child’s career and future are shaping up.

Time & Education Management
Time & Education Management

Being a child means learning and growth in every direction- at the same time. So naturally, using the Interest- Aptitude Test is a surefire way of knowing how to manage the child's time and talent.


The Interest Test can be taken in either an online or offline mode in four simple steps

Brainwonders interest-aptitude tests

The Brainwonders interest tests are in a multiple choice format and are timed (online or offline).

interest-aptitude test Evaluation

The responses of the client on the interest-aptitude test is measured against the answer key.

Interpretation and report
Interpretation and report

The obtained scores are analysed to gain an understanding of the personal traits and competence

Personal and Career Counselling
Personal and Career Counselling

The procedure concludes with a counselling session where a counsellor explains the report in detail and discusses job options along with valid suggestions.

Take the first step towards fulfilling career!

Discover the best fit career with the worlds most advanced career assessment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Interest-Aptitude Test?

An Interest-aptitude test is a measurement of human interests and developmental areas leading to career decisions.

What are the advantages of an online Interest-Aptitude Test?

The Interest-Aptitude Test has been known to help in knowing one's likes, interests, areas of concern and provides a job profile.

What are the benefits of taking Brainwonders Interest-Aptitude Test?

The Interest-Aptitude test is mainly used to generate and guide a career profile for subject and course selection.

Can you take an Interest-Aptitude Test Online?

Yes! Brainwonders interest-aptitude test is available online for all age groups. One can register for and take the same via the Brainwonders Official Website.

How effective is an Online Interest-Aptitude Test?

The Brainwonders online interest-aptitude test is highly accurate and well researched which allows one to make career decisions quickly with complete understanding of future prospects.

What are the advantages of an Online Interest-Aptitude Test ?

Interest test is one of the most time-tested and reliable test when it comes to the field of education and career. From selecting a job to achieving success in it- the online effective test answers many life queries.

Contact Us


Brainwonders 804 , 8th floor, Paras Business Center, Kasturba Carter Road No. 1, behind kasturba Police station, Borivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066