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Let youR personality lead

you to a successful CAREER!

Take the world's most-advanced personality test online and
be the best you can be!



It determines the skills, capabilities and more that are possessed by the individual.

Personality tests have gained immense popularity in the digital age, providing an accessible and easy way to assess individual personality traits. These tests help people identify their most fundamental characteristics; these tests are used across all generations. The results of a personality test remain unchanged regardless of the context or situation, providing a reliable understanding of one's baseline personality. By utilising such tests, individuals can gain deeper insights into their inherent qualities to better navigate life's challenges.

This test can help us to know ourselves better and understand the people around us. It can let us dive into areas such as our strengths and weaknesses and give us an idea of what to focus on in our daily lives. It's also useful for creating a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis.

What is SWOT Analysis?

SWOT Analysis is a helpful method for assessing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The time-proven SWOT technique has its roots in the Corporate world. Companies often look at the strengths and weaknesses of their team and develop them accordingly. Nowadays, individuals often use it for personal growth and to note their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which can follow a specific Career Choice. In short – SWOT gives you an idea of where you are now and what paths you can take in the future.

Personality Test of Myers & Briggs

The Brainwonders MBTI, commonly known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a personality test that is often used by businesses throughout the recruiting process. Several questions on the test are designed to evaluate where a candidate fits among four major groupings: extraversion as opposed to introversion, judgement as opposed to perceiving, intuition as opposed to sense, and thinking as opposed to feeling. The findings of these categories assign test-takers to one of 16 personality types based on their responses.

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is a self-report questionnaire that is used to determine a person's personality type, strengths, and preferences. The MBTI inventory is now one of the world's most extensively used psychological instruments. Myers & Briggs created 16 personality types based on the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator.

Online Personality Test

Brainwonders provides Online Personality Test which has many advantages, some of them are listed below:-

  • You can take this test from the comfort of your home
  • It will provide you with an accurate assessment about your personality
  • It’s easy, fast and reliable.
  • Since this is an online test, you will get your results as soon as you complete the test.

Characteristics of the Personality Test

The Personality Test maps one’s traits across various domains based to align with their personality type and characteristics:

  • Guardians:
    They do the right thing as per convention
  • Rationals:
    They do whatever works for the results
  • Idealists:
    They do what should be done as per expectations
  • Artisans:
    They do things by exploring possibilities

The test measures one’s emotional orientation, thinking style, primary concerns, and preferred lifestyle.

There are many types of personality assessments that are used in day-to-day life by organisations, schools, hospitals, government agencies, etc., to evaluate the innate traits of the individual.

Nowadays, many organisations give personality tests to their employees to better understand their innate characteristics. This helps them decide which department the employee should work in and what areas they are most skilled in. By taking these tests, employers can discover an employee's strengths and weaknesses, helping them to place them in the right job for their skillset.

Personality tests also help the individual to understand and Choose their career. Certain personality types go well with certain jobs. Thus taking a personality test will help the individual understand what career they should choose.

PERSONALITY TEST FOR Children (5-11 years)

Personality test for academic management
Academic management

Mapping and using a learning process for the child using a blend of suitable learning environments and strategies.

Personality test for understanding the child
Understanding the child

Parents understand and regulate the child’s unexpressed emotions and thoughts.

Personality test for self-esteem

Nurturing a child based on their personality ensures that the child develops healthy behaviour and coping mechanisms.

Personality test for parent-child relationship
Parent-child relationship

Numerous scientific studies state that a personality profile of the child boosts the parents’ efforts to form a warm and trustworthy relationship.

Personality test for social development
Social development

As the environment plays a key role in shaping experiences and the child’s characteristics, personality analysis is very useful to mould the social behaviour effectively.

Personality test for career
School selection

The personality test helps in identifying an educational environment which will bring out the best in the child.

PERSONALITY TEST FOR Children (5-11 years)

Academic management
Personality test for academic management

Mapping and using a learning process for the child using a blend of suitable learning environments and strategies.

Understanding the child
Personality test for understanding the child

Parents understand and regulate the child’s unexpressed emotions and thoughts.

Personality test for self-esteem

Nurturing a child based on their personality ensures that the child develops healthy behaviour and coping mechanisms.

Parent-child relationship
Personality test for parent-child relationship

Numerous scientific studies state that a personality profile of the child boosts the parents’ efforts to form a warm and trustworthy relationship.

Social development
Personality test for social development

As the environment plays a key role in shaping experiences and the child’s characteristics, personality analysis is very useful to mould the social behaviour effectively.

School selection
Personality test for career

The personality test helps in identifying an educational environment which will bring out the best in the child.

PERSONALITY TEST FOR High School Teenagers (12-18 years)

Personality test for Career management
Career management

Long-term satisfaction in a career relies on the person’s personality traits on the basis of strengths and weaknesses in different subjects or courses. 

Personality test for Dealing with Peer Pressure
Dealing with Peer Pressure

Understanding one’s personal thought and emotional profile is helpful in identifying and working through any unhealthy social influences.

Personality test for Self-confidence and motivation
Self-confidence and motivation

As this age is filled with life-altering decisions, knowing the student’s thoughts and behaviour helps one to be inspired and focussed.

personality test for students
Preparation for professional future

Because one clearly identifies the ideal career options, it is easier to set goals and targets to move towards the same in a productive way.

games for personality test
Extracurricular development

Hobbies and recreation help in developing a stress-free and high performance individual with good social skill- the test result outlines the time and energy to be dedicated to pursuing suitable activities.

personality test assessment
Board exams and academic performance

Whether it is the 10th standard board exams or the 12th board results- the personality test helps in identifying the right study methods to improve the child’s academic performance in any exam.

PERSONALITY TEST FOR High School Teenagers (12-18 years)

Career management
Personality test for Career management

Long-term satisfaction in a career relies on the person’s personality traits on the basis of strengths and weaknesses in different subjects or courses. 

Dealing with Peer Pressure
Personality test for Dealing with Peer Pressure

Understanding one’s personal thought and emotional profile is helpful in identifying and working through any unhealthy social influences.

Self-confidence and motivation
Personality test for Self-confidence and motivation

As this age is filled with life-altering decisions, knowing the student’s thoughts and behaviour helps one to be inspired and focussed.

Preparation for professional future
personality test for students

Because one clearly identifies the ideal career options, it is easier to set goals and targets to move towards the same in a productive way.

Extracurricular development
games for personality test

Hobbies and recreation help in developing a stress-free and high performance individual with good social skill- the test result outlines the time and energy to be dedicated to pursuing suitable activities.

Board exams and academic performance
personality test assessment

Whether it is the 10th standard board exams or the 12th board results- the personality test helps in identifying the right study methods to improve the child’s academic performance in any exam.

PERSONALITY TEST FOR Adults and Corporates (18+)

Personality test for job
Recruiting the right candidate

The personality traits of the candidate help in identifying their thoughts, behaviour, ethical orientation and several professionally desirable traits like commitment and dedication. 

Personality characteristics
Improved Relationships

Knowing the personality characteristics of oneself or those around improves communication, adaptability and cooperation which vastly enhance the quality of any relationship and resolves any conflicts.

Personality test career
Matching the candidate to the job

As the personality test also lists out the ideal career profiles for an employee, the employer can utilise and maximise the talent of the several team members by giving them suitable opportunities in a specific field.

Personality test for leadership
Leadership and soft skills

Any company in any field move forwards with good leaders. Even traits like creativity, pragmatism, cooperation are desirable. Thus, a personality test profile comes in handy to select and cultivate future leaders.

Personality test for team building and conflict management
Team building and conflict management

Knowing the various traits and characteristics via a personality test helps the employer to blend the people with complimentary traits and create an all-star workforce which pushes growth.

Personality test for Long-term career success
Long-term career success

Attrition is a big challenge for any corporate firm. Any working adult also looks for consistency in any job they take up. Thus, the test helps both the employer and the employee to mutually work together.

PERSONALITY TEST FOR Adults and Corporates (18+)

Recruiting the right candidate
Personality test for job

The personality traits of the candidate help in identifying their thoughts, behaviour, ethical orientation and several professionally desirable traits like commitment and dedication. 

Improved Relationships
Personality characteristics

Knowing the personality characteristics of oneself or those around improves communication, adaptability and cooperation which vastly enhance the quality of any relationship and resolves any conflicts.

Matching the candidate to the job
Personality test career

As the personality test also lists out the ideal career profiles for an employee, the employer can utilise and maximise the talent of the several team members by giving them suitable opportunities in a specific field.

Leadership and soft skills
Personality test for leadership

Any company in any field move forwards with good leaders. Even traits like creativity, pragmatism, cooperation are desirable. Thus, a personality test profile comes in handy to select and cultivate future leaders.

Team building and conflict management
Personality test for team building and conflict management

Knowing the various traits and characteristics via a personality test helps the employer to blend the people with complimentary traits and create an all-star workforce which pushes growth.

Long-term career success
Personality test for Long-term career success

Attrition is a big challenge for any corporate firm. Any working adult also looks for consistency in any job they take up. Thus, the test helps both the employer and the employee to mutually work together.


The personality test can be taken by anyone online or offline in four simple steps:
Registration and Test-Taking
1. Registration and Test-Taking

The Brainwonders Personality test is in a multiple choice format and is timed (online or offline).

2. Evaluation

As an objective test, the inputs of the clients are scored using standardized key.

Interpretation & Report
3. Interpretation & Report

A complete report is generated and compiled.

Career Counselling and Guidance
4. Career Counselling

The counsellor personally explains the results keeping in mind the subjective needs of the client and further adds certain points of development.

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Career Test


  • Career Test
  • Top 10 Careers Report
  • Newsletter Access
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Advance Personality Test


  • Career Test
  • Top 10 Careers Test Report
  • Newsletter Access
  • 12 Career Webinar - Annual Package
  • Advance Personality Test
  • 16 pages Advance Personality Report

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Ultimate Personality Test


  • Career Test
  • Top 10 Careers Report
  • Newsletter Access
  • 12 Career Webinar - Annual Package
  • Ultimate Personality Test
  • 16 Pages Ultimate Personality Report
  • Personalized Top 10 Career Pathways Report
  • Your Career Guidance with an Expert Sr. Counsellor (15-30 mins online session)

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Confused About your career choices?
Discover the best fit career with the world's most-advanced career assesment!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Personality test?

A personality test, also known as a psychometric test, examines an individual's thoughts, ideas, emotions and behaviour in a range of environments. Personality tests can be helpful in several ways. By analysing the personality test results, you will get a picturesque idea of your skills, strengths, weaknesses, and shortcomings. Thus, it is an effective tool for measuring one's traits and characteristics.

Can I take Personality tests online?

Yes! Brainwonders personality test is available online for all age groups. One can register for and take the same via the Brainwonders Official Website. It is possible to effortlessly administer the online personality test from any location globally, thanks to the availability of the online test mode. If you are taking our Brainwonders Online Personality Test, you will be able to see the results once the test has been completed. This is the primary advantage of the Brainwonders aptitude test since the results are created automatically via the use of automation.

What are the Advantages of Brainwonders Online personality Tests?

The Brainwonders online personality test is highly accurate and well researched, allowing one to make career decisions quickly with a complete understanding of future prospects. After analysing the personality test, one can locate his/her interest area. Thus it will help one start a career in that particular interest area.

What is a Personality test for students?

A personality test for students between 12 to 18 years of age is helpful to know their behavioural patterns, traits and characteristics. Even the personality test also helps them in career planning, career management, and making career decisions. In addition to that, with the help of personality tests, students understand how to deal with peer pressure, behave in a social environment and help them in extracurricular advancement.

 Are personality tests accurate?

Yes, personality tests have been proven to be accurate when properly taken and interpreted. They measure key aspects of your personality, so the results are based on your individual responses.

What is Myer Briggs personality Test?

Myer Briggs is a personality test used to identify how people perceive the world and make decisions. It measures four different areas: Extraversion (E) vs Introversion (I), Sensing (S) vs Intuition (N), Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F), and Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P). Each person is assigned a four-letter combination that represents their unique personality type. Understanding one's Myers Briggs type allows people to gain insight into their strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. With this knowledge, they can learn to communicate better with others and understand how their behaviour affects those around them.

Contact Us


Brainwonders 804 , 8th floor, Paras Business Center, Kasturba Carter Road No. 1, behind kasturba Police station, Borivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066


A personality test is a test used to evaluate a person's personality. As we all know, personality differs from one person to another. A personality test allows us to become acquainted with various personalities. You will be able to identify your personality after taking a personality test. Personality evaluation will not only help you define your personality, but it will also help you understand your qualities and features.

Personality tests are a great way to identify different aspects of who you are and discover certain aspects of yours that you are not even familiar with. Free Personality tests are available across various platforms, which will help you to figure out your personality traits.

The Brainwonders MBTI, commonly known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a personality test that is often used by businesses throughout the recruiting process. Several questions on the test are designed to evaluate where a candidate fits among four major groupings: extraversion as opposed to introversion, judgement as opposed to perceiving, intuition as opposed to sense, and thinking as opposed to feeling. The findings of these categories assign test-takers to one of 16 personality types based on their responses. A total of 180 questions are included in the exam, which makes it a lengthy process. This test assigns you to one of 16 personality types, and each of these kinds encompasses various aspects of your personality:

  • What gives you a burst of energy
  • What you do with the information you get
  • What you do while making choices
  • How you arrange your world is important.

Each of the 16 personality types is represented by four letters, one representing each of the categories listed above. You may, for example, be classified as an ESFJ or an INTP. These letters stand for the following:

  • Extroversion or introversion are two different types of personality.
  • Sensing or intuition are two different things.
  • What are you thinking or feeling?
  • Observing, judging, or seeing

Based on the results of this test, there is a wealth of supplementary information available to show you how these characteristics manifest themselves in your personal life, professional life, and even in comparison to other personality types.

The "big five" are broad personality attribute types. Although a substantial body of data supports this five-factor model of personality, researchers may not always agree on the exact names for each dimension. Typically, these five categories are characterised as follows:

This trait pictures your imagination and insight. Individuals that score high on this attribute have diverse areas of interest. They are interested in learning and adapting to new things and having new experiences. Individuals with a high level of this attribute are more daring and inventive. Individuals that score low on this feature tend to be more traditional and may struggle with critical and abstract thinking.

  • Openness
  • High
  • Low
  • Very creative in nature
  • Happy to think about abstract concepts
  • Ready to tackle new challenges
  • Open to trying new things
  • Adaptive in nature
  • Dislike change
  • Dislike theoretical, or abstract reasoning concepts
  • Avoid new ideas
  • Does not enjoy things
  • Not very innovative

Standard features of this personality trait include high levels of thoughtfulness, perception, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviours. Highly conscientious people are structured and detail-oriented. These individuals plan ahead of time, consider how their actions play a prominent role in others and keep deadlines in mind.

  • Conscientiousness
  • High
  • Low
  • Spend most of the time for preparing
  • Strong observation skill
  • Pays attention to detail
  • Finishes important task right away
  • Enjoys having a set schedule
  • Dislikes structure and schedules
  • Creates messes and disregards responsibilities
  • Important activities are avoided
  • Does not accomplish required or assigned tasks

Extraversion is characterised by excitability, openness, talkativeness, aggressiveness, and a high level of emotional expressiveness (or extroversion). Extraverted people are gregarious and tend to gain energy when they engage in social situations. They feel more energised and excited when they are around other people. Low extraversion (or introversion) individuals are more reserved and have less energy to expend in social circumstances. Social gatherings may be tiring, and introverts frequently seek a period of aloneness and silence to "recharge."

  • Extraversion
  • High
  • Low
  • Enjoy being the centre of attention
  • Likes to start conversation
  • Say things before thinking about them
  • Find it easy to make new friends
  • Has a wide social circle of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances
  • Enjoy to meet and like to talk with new people
  • Prefer solitude
  • Dislikes being the centre of attention
  • Carefully think before speaking
  • Dislike making small talks
  • Finds it difficult to start the conversation

Trust, benevolence, openness, friendliness, affection, and other prosocial actions are included in this personality trait. People with high agreeableness tend to be more voluble and cooperative, whereas those with low agreeableness tend to be more competitive and sometimes even manipulative in nature.

  • Agreeableness
  • High
  • Low
  • Has a strong interest in other people.
  • Concerned about others
  • Feels sympathy and compassion for others
  • Enjoys assisting and contributing to the pleasure of others
  • Assists people who are in need.
  • Shows little concern for others
  • Doesn't care about how other people feel.
  • Has little concern about other people's difficulties.
  • Insults and demeans people
  • Manipulates people in order to obtain what they want

Sadness, moodiness, and emotional instability are the main features of neuroticism. Persons with high levels of this attribute mostly have mood swings, anxiety, impatience, and sorrow. Those with low scores of neuroticism are more stable as well as emotionally resilient.

  • Neuroticism
  • High
  • Low
  • Has a high level of stress.
  • Concerns about a variety of issues
  • Gets easily upset Has big mood swings Feels anxious
  • Struggles to recover from unpleasant events
  • Emotionally sound
  • Deals well with stress and is rarely unhappy or melancholy.
  • Is quite easygoing and does not worry much.

16 personality tests identify the five personality aspects: mind, energy, nature, tactics, and identity. The test helps you understand how your personality type affects many aspects of your life, including your relationships. Mentioned below are the 16 personality types:

  • ISTJ - The Inspector: Reserved and sensible, they are loyal, orderly, and conventional.
  • ISTP - The Crafter: They are highly independent and appreciate new activities that provide hands-on learning.
  • ISFJ - The Protector: Loving and dedicated, they are always ready to defend those they care about.
  • ISFP - The Artist: Relaxed and adaptable; they are reserved and artistic.
  • INFJ - The Advocate: Creative and analytical, they are one of the most uncommon Myers-Briggs types.
  • INFP - The Mediator: Idealistic with high values, they endeavour to improve the world.
  • INTJ - The Architect: Highly rational; they are creative as well as analytical.
  • INTP - The Thinker: Quiet and reflective, they have a deep inner world.
  • ESTP - The Persuader: They are outgoing and dramatic and enjoy spending time with others and concentrating on the present.
  • ESTJ - The Director: Assertive and rule-following, they have high principles and a strong desire to be in command.
  • ESFP - The Performer: They adore taking centre stage since they are outgoing and impulsive.
  • ESFJ - The Caregiver: Warm-hearted and outgoing, they prefer to think the best in others.
  • ENFP - The Champion: Charismatic and energetic, they thrive in settings that allow them to express their creativity.
  • ENFJ - The Giver: Loyal and sensitive, they are noted for their compassion and generosity.
  • ENTP - The Debater: Highly innovative; they enjoy being surrounded by ideas and tend to start many initiatives (but may struggle to finish them).
  • ENTJ - The Commander: They are outspoken and assertive and excel at planning and coordinating undertakings.

Personality tests in psychology measure personality traits to diagnose underlying psychological problems or scrutinize candidates for institutions or employment organizations. Personality tests can be conducted both online and offline, an online personality test is a safer and a convenient option though. Personality test in psychology is directed toward helping individuals understand themselves and the people around them. They are a helpful tool to let an individual know how personality traits correlate with reactions to day?to?day situations.