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with Best career counsellor in Kolkata

Brainwonders offers expert career counselling & guidance to help you Discover your Innate Potential & perfect career path


Best Career Counselling in Kolkata

Hence, the most suitable business to deliver Career Counselling in Kolkata is possibly by the leading career counsellors, authentic career tests, and comprehensive career advice. Tactically, Brainwonders is also the largest career counselling portal in India, offering career guidance in Kolkata. Exemplary free career tests, scientifically validated career tests, and accurate career guidance based on personality, skills, interest, and working style preference. As it may be seen, the situation must be settled prior with the help of a Career Counsellor in Kolkata. Science shows that the number of college and university student drop-outs is gradually increasing. It is necessary to pass through this step in order to choose a career counsellor in Kolkata at the right time. The author says that if the first button of the shirt is positioned in the right hole, all the rest of the buttons are in the proper place. Just keep in mind that life has no reverse gear, so let's move forward!


Career counselling is a process by which you will learn more about yourself and how this world of work works in order to enable you to make sound career choices, education, and other vital life choices. It involves a planned interaction between the job seeker and the professional career counsellor or adviser. Learners are the focal points that education counsellors help, encourage, and even guide as they make those decisions. It can help people discover who they are, what they can do, and what they enjoy and dislike regarding potential occupations. They can also assist with job information, education, training, and employment paths.

Career counselling is a support ministration speciality of counselling as it involves the conduct of a career counsellor who enlightens a person on what career to take. When going for career counselling, the clients are counselled by expert counsellors, and those offered the counselling professionals recommendations of the potentials, aptitudes, motivation and strengths alongside weaknesses noted by the professional counselling assessment tests. These are both part of formative and normative assessments. Knowledge of the Interests and Aptitude enables career personnel to advise persons regarding their careers.

WHAT to expect from

Brainwonders career counselling session in Kolkata

Career Counselling in India

Career counsellors work for their patronizing clients through a systematic logic of indices. They define abilities, weaknesses, courses of instruction, ways of learning, and esteem. However, it is important to note that in general, in order to evaluate the person, means that are used are unique mark testing or an aptitude test, as well as IQ or interest tests. Consequently, on the basis of the reports, the advocate, as you like, assists them in determining a probable career path. From choosing a suitable board, the right course, and the right school to the right work, the advisor assists the person in plotting all the activities to achieve the correct goal.

Want to know more?

benefits of Career Counselling in Kolkata

1. Helps in choosing the right career path: Career guidance and counselling may be defined as a process of identifying oneself as well as the most appropriate career path in the particular area, in this case, Kolkata.

2. Provides access to expert resources: Practicality in training and guidance for a career, as well as counselling in Kolkata, extends to an opportunity to obtain information about the consultant and the materials he uses. It is more meaningful to the parents and children who, in turn, may be expected to gain knowledge over careers and how their definitions and approaches are done.

3. Helps in gaining confidence and insight: Counselling in career development in Kolkata helps people identify certain hurdles that they are certainly to encounter in the process of their working lives. It inflows this perception and empowers the development of the confidence needed to surmount such odds.

4. Career mapping in Kolkata: Career route planning is essential because when a person advances in this manner, they are well informed of the recent advancements and evolution of their area.

Career guidance and counselling in Kolkata assist clients in choosing the right stream and, therefore, describing careers. Work satisfaction is crucial to expert job productivity, efficiency and optimum quality of human welfare.

Key considerations for finding the best career guidance in Kolkata

1. Unbiased Guidance in Kolkata

Although career guidance and counselling may be considered business, it is not correct to say that the best career planner in Kolkata will make the recommendation for the client based on a businesslike angle. While it is not unfamiliar to have some career counsellors for students who may have some personal interests like that, so they insist that students join certain coaching institutes or colleges/ universities in India & abroad for their referral benefits, our professional counsellors lead you to the right career path.

2. Working Knowledge & Awareness

Last but not least, at Brainwonders, not only theoretical data in career guidance and counselling but the expertise of a professional. We have the educational background, breast team experience, knack, and competence to relate, sympathise, and envision. We understand that maturity th? Alone does not guarantee a store of practical experience; hence, our team's diverse composition and readiness to gain experience affect a lot more.

3. Online consumer reviews and rating services in Kolkata

Nonetheless, in this case of selecting a professional career consultant, both the reviews and ratings are most crucial. Yes, our perceptions include that the success of Brainwonders is highly important to knowing end users' ratings and reviews, and these kinds of reviews are more real and timed than other social media. We provide our information on a non-bias basis so that our customers are assured of our status.

4. Career Assessment in Kolkata

However, to ensure career preference leads to a successful career choice, accurate career testing is inevitable. On our site, Brainwonders, we conduct brain mapping procedures, which are much more effective (above 95%) than the questionnaires. Kolkata career test is designed to show a person's skills and weaknesses, which provides the proper foundation for choosing the right career help. Loy brain mapping procedures, which are more accurate (above 95%) than the questionnaires. The Kolkata career test is specially prepared to reveal a person's abilities and disabilities, which gives a proper grounding for choosing career advice. While many counsellors may stand to gain by suggesting certain coaching institutes or colleges and universities, they exist in India and abroad for referral benefits. Our counsellors do not have such biases and are free to guide you to the right career field.

Importance of Career Counselling in Kolkata

In the growing array of career opportunities available today, the need for guidance through career counselling has become paramount to one’s life. When understudies complete their tenth, most are left in very much befuddling uncertainty over what to do next. This could be due to prevailing difficulty in decision making, lack of proper parental guidance, numerous career opportunities, ignorance of individual opportunities and so on; career advocates do consider these adequately. Career directing, which is central to all age gatherings, is most useful to young persons. Besides those learners, career counselling also involves persons who have chosen a career path and are dissatisfied. These people are redirected towards their goals and are provided with a notion of their career guidance. Career guides introduce understudies to tutors who use positive reinforcements to encourage the understudies positively. It also means life fulfilment, self-adequacy, joy, etc., all depend on work fulfilment. Thus, career guidance is also of greater importance.

Significance of Career counselling

Educational counselling for Professional courses

Now and again, one would find students enrolled for a course with little or no idea of what the program offers. Their pretentious names, the feeling of high spirit, and the craze for being popular among fellows compel the student to choose the course. While the increasing importance of guidelines and career directions is recognized by many parents, some parents compel their children to take traditional and financially rewarding courses. The various professional courses that are taught in disciplines such as engineering, psychology, commerce, humanities, and science, as well as the rest, require certain skills.

For example

A person who is interested in becoming an engineer should have the following qualities to be eligible for the post:

Aptitude for Mathematics

Aptitude for Mathematics

Analytical Skills

Analytical Skills

Complex Problem Solving Skills

Complex Problem Solving Skills

Science and Computing Knowledge

Science and Computing Knowledge

Thus, the role of an educational counselor is to assist the student choose the right course that matches with the skillsets of the student to maximise satisfaction and performance.

Online Career counselling

tools for assessment

Some of the most common and recognized sets of evaluation tools are the sets of evaluation tools used by different counselling centres. However, based on the needs of the client, relevant and suitable Psychometric tests are used to assess the Interest, Aptitude and Personality of the client. Such tests include 16PF, Big 5, DBDA, Bhatia, DAT, Wechsler Intelligence Scale, and a few others that are widely used in India. Given the current developments, there are many genuine online portals that also conduct online counselling and assessment. They may also lead you to specialists in online career counselling through links provided on their websites.

Career counselling assessment

India's Largest Career Counselling Company

108+ Career Counselling Centres in Kolkata and India with Global Centres

Career counselling in India is gradually picking up. With the parents realizing the significance of career counselling, they are bringing their children more and more for career counselling. Not only schools, colleges and educational institutes, but students are also being motivated to do career counselling. The Government also attaches importance to offering for mandatory career advice and direction to the students at the school going age to enable the students to select proper career paths and therewith. The states that have the most career guidance centres are Maharashtra, which has Mumbai; Karnataka, which has ‘Banglore, Delhi and PUNE.

Career Counselling in India


Brainwonders, is the only U.S Patented DMIT organisation which helps in transformation via brain mapping

Career Counselling Through Biometrics


DMIT Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence test is the latest and most famous method to identify a particular brain. In DMIT, the client's fingerprints are scanned, and a report is produced that specifies all the client details, personality profile, strengths, weaknesses, and prospects. The literature points to 85 percent efficacy of this strategy. For that reason, career counselling service done on the basis of fingerprint reports is considered better than any psychometric tests since the students have a clear vision of the abilities and skills to tackle a certain field for everyone. Brainwonders in India is the largest DMIT and career counselling centre, and it is spread across 108 branches across the country.

Career Guidance by our Career Counsellors

Career Guidance by our Career Counsellors

Career Guidance is primarily meant for guidance regarding one's self-discovery within one's skills, abilities, and potential that are significant factors in one's career choice.

Career guidance after the 10th and career guidance after the 12th are essential since they are important milestones in a student's life.

Career guidance and counselling are provided by professional career guidance counsellors to students who are confused about their choice of career. Brainwonders career counsellors are qualified career guides who help students understand their innate abilities and skills through various career tests such as aptitude and interest test and also help them choose the correct career path.

Confused About your CAREER APTITUDE TEST choices
Discover the best fit career with the world's most-advanced career assessment.

Career Counselling FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who are the Best Career Counsellors in Kolkata?

Ans: Brainwonders has the best career counsellors near you in Kolkata. We are India's Largest Career Counselling Company.

Q2. How do I find a good career counsellor in Kolkata?

Ans: All the career counsellors listed in the Brainwonders career counselling near me portal are certified career analysts with years of experience in the career counselling field. 

Q3. Can I get face to face career counseling in Kolkata?

Ans: Yes, definitely. Connect with a career counsellor near you. You have the flexibility to choose the counsellor based on their experience and background.

Q4. Who will be counselling me?

Ans: We are the highest rated career counselling platform in India (Source- Google reviews). Our empanelled career counsellors are highly qualified, experienced and well-trained. Our empanelled counsellors have delivered more than 100000 career counsels with the highest ratings.

Q5. Why is Brainwonders career counselling the right choice for you?

Ans: Brainwonders Career Advisory Center has provided students with certified aptitude tests, interest tests, personality tests, and DMIT tests, Following which career counsellors evaluate and analyze the inborn talents, skills, and potential within, which would lead career counsellors to find the most suitable option for the student in terms of career. During the career counselling session, Brainwonders will ensure the career counsellor puts students through the strengths, weaknesses, abilities, skills, and aptitudes they possess. That way, it will even help a career counsellor define the students' career path correctly.

Contact Us


Brainwonders 804 , 8th floor, Paras Business Center, Kasturba Carter Road No. 1, behind kasturba Police station, Borivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066